Completed Projects
Education tool and technologies for efficient water use using virtual application sites (ED-WAVE)
June 1, 2003 to
December 31, 2005
The goal is to develop a sustainable framework for training on technologies for conservation, reclamation, and refuse of natural resources. As a model example, this project will focus on improving water efficiency by exposing the target groups to real-life applications through virtual industrial and municipal environments created using IT-based tools.Clean air initiative for Asian cities
February 24, 2005 to
December 30, 2005
Provide assistance to Asian Development Bank in developing a proposal for carrying out a study across Asia to estimate tailpipe exhaust mass emission factors. This would include identifying key issues in implementing such a strategy, facilitating a dialogue on such concerns, and developing a common approach that can be followed in implementing such a programme across Asia.Women solar entrepreneurs of Sunderbans
April 1, 2004 to
December 21, 2005
The project has been implemented by TERI in partnership with the RKM (Ramakrishna Mission) and the Jadavpur University. The main goal and objectives of the project were (1) to create viable enterprises on both, demand and supply side of solar energy business in the remote rural location, (2) to create an organizational set-up, viz. MFEDO (Market Facilitating and Enterprise Development Organization), and (3) to facilitate MFEDO in creating six women entrepreneurs of solar power. Under this project, a cluster organization, viz.GNESD Access III - Energy Access: Policy Implementation Phase
December 21, 2004 to
December 21, 2005
This is the third phase of GNESD access theme. During the Policy Research and Dissemination Phases (I and II), developing country centres of the GNESD 'Energy Access' Working Group assessed the impact of power sector reforms on the poor and proposed policy options and recommendations for improving the poor's access to electricity services. It was realized that adoption of the policy options and recommendations by decision-makers in the developing countries, who are very cautious would, require more empirically-based evidence and detailed implementation guidance.SWAJAL, Uttaranchal - Roles and responsibilities of sector institutions and PRIs
September 20, 2004 to
December 13, 2005
The main objective of the study is to support the Uttaranchal government in creating a new sector institutional framework, in line with the State 2012 Vision. The study will: (1) review the existing institutional set-up, propose alternative set-ups in line with the State 2012 Vision, and assist the Uttaranchal government in deciding the most appropriate institutional set-up; (2) prepare a detailed design of the approved institutional set-up and establish the road map and specific action plan for its implementation.Planning of sustainable regeneration in mining areas using tri-sector partnerships
October 1, 2002 to
December 3, 2005
Minerals development, while increasing employment and incomes in mining and related activity, does create serious environmental damage and can undermine other socio-economic development opportunities of localcommunities. This project seeks to address both the environmental damage and the socio-economic constraints created by mining in the study area. The attempts to redress these impacts in the past have been piecemeal and ad-hoc with little research or consultation with the groups that are supposed to benefit from these actions.Automated Contract Management System for DFID India
September 27, 2004 to
November 29, 2005
Contract Management System would strengthen CaPAS (Contracts and Procurement Advice Section) so that not only the contract related information is captured online but also, keep the history of amendments, send automated reminders, generate various reports, dynamic and flexible search facility.The proposed CMS will have the following components:
- User profile and rights management
- Letting Contracts
- Processing Invoices
- Consultants database
- CaPAS Reports
- Performance Evaluation
- Search & Dynamic query module
December 20, 2003 to
November 24, 2005
Identification of the contribution of RETs to poverty alleviation and the provision of concrete policy guidance to identify and profit on oportunities and to overcome previously identified barriers and other subtle obstacles acting behind them.Furthermore, the project will proivde a guide as to where and how to engage in the policy dialogue process. These outputs will be aimed at policy-makers, decision-makers, energy policy analysts, NGOs, and researchers.
Preserving the Invisible - Microbial biodiversity of crude oil spill degrading microorganisms
October 1, 1999 to
November 15, 2005
In order to document and assess the microbial diversity at various ecosystems, particularly polluted ones in the country, samples of microbial species from 14 different oil refineries located at multiple Indian geo-climatic regions have been grown, catalogued and preserved at TERI laboratories and disseminated to both the industry and research institutes. Samples taken from polluted sites are also stored at -70 C for long-term preservation.Estimation of technical losses in CESC area corresponding to 2004/05
October 1, 2004 to
November 10, 2005
The representative sample size for estimating energy losses would be finalized mutually between TERI and CESC Ltd. As per the scope, the following sample size has been agreed. (1) All 132-kV systems up to and including 33/6 kV system of CESC. (2) Twenty-four outgoing 11/6 kV feeders and all 6/0.4 kV transformers on the identified feeders. (3) Twenty distribution transformers. The total energy losses in CESC would be calculated from the total energy input and energy consumed in the system.