Completed Projects
Socioeceonomic and Institutional Assessment for forest sector Analyses in Assam
February 26, 2004 to
November 30, 2004
Indo-US workshop on " India-US Energy and R&D"
June 1, 2004 to
November 26, 2004
High level workshop on INDO -US energy R & D '' will be organised by TERI and HRvard University on August 18-20, 2004 at India habitat centre , New Delhi. The workshop will be attended by experts from USA and India.Joint Indo-UK programme on impacts of climate change in India
September 17, 2001 to
November 23, 2004
@ Develop socio-economic scenarios for climate change impact assessment@ Project changes in demography, economy, and social structure
@ Provide a consistent framework to interpret, integrate, and synthesize the results of the sector-specific climate impact studies
Training & Audit of Municipal Engineers on Energy Efficiency in Pumping Stations in Philippines
April 15, 2004 to
November 17, 2004
Providing capacity building in Energy efficiency Improvement Aspects for municpal water installations of Philippines and Sri LankanEngineers through on the job trainingDevelopment of user-specific application software for comparison of tariff plans in voice telephony in India
December 22, 2003 to
November 10, 2004
Survey and studies of 36 unelectrified villages in district Karauli of Rajasthan and preparation of project reports for electrification through solar home systems and power plants
April 1, 2004 to
October 27, 2004
Feasibility study and selection of most suitable renewable energy technology for electrifying 36 remote villages in District Karauli of Rajasthan.Consultancy services for assistance on the determination of annual revenue requirement, transmission and bulk supply tariff, and distribution and retail supply tariff for HPSEB
May 6, 2004 to
October 22, 2004
To provide consultancy services for Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board (hereinafter called the HPSEB) in:i)Preparation of Concept Paper on Cost of supply methodology
ii)Determination of Annual Revenue Requirement (ARR), transmission and bulk supply tariff and distribution and retail supply tariff for the HPSEB for the financial year 2004-2005.