Completed Projects
Application of MEOR (microbial-enhanced oil recovery) process in wells of Oil India Limilted
June 1, 2004 to
October 18, 2006
The objecitve is to enhance the production of oil wells. TERI in collaboration with the ISR (Institute of Reservoir Studies), ONGC, have jointly developed a thermophilic, barophilic anaerobic bacterial consortium for enhancing oil recovery in dead or abandoned oil wells. With the application of this thermophilic anaerobic bacterial consortium, 21% enhanced oil recovery from live oil-bearing core rocks was obtained under simulated conditions in selected oil wells in Gujarat oilfields.Energy Efficiency Initiative and Consultation Workshop - Transport, Energy Efficiency and Climate Change (TA-6261 (REG))
February 12, 2006 to
October 15, 2006
The primary objective of the consulting services is to prepare a paper summarizing transport, energy efficiency and climate change impacts in India over the period to 2030. The paper will provide an input to a Policy and Investment Framework on Energy Efficiency and Climate Change in the Transport sector that is being prepared for the Asia Pacific region and will be one of several papers being prepared for discussion at the spring meeting of the IMF/World Bank in April 2006 and subsequent G8 meeting scheduled to be held in St. Petersburg in July 2006.Capacity building of existing and potential franchisees in rural electricity distribution business under the Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana in West Bengal
August 1, 2006 to
October 4, 2006
The objective of the capacity building program is to train existing/potential franchisees in the rural electricity distribution business under RGGVY program launched by Ministry of PowerBiofuels for transportation: India country study
June 18, 2005 to
September 30, 2006
This study will primarily focus on the current scenario on biofuel development in India and assessment of the biofuel potential at the national level based on the economics and availability of resources. Four field visits and six desk studies will be carried out in order to get a better understanding of the field realities, issues, and challenges related to biofuels development. Further, evaluation of the national and international implications of large-scale biofuels development in India and opportunities for collaboration with the developed countries has been envisaged.Bioremediation of Oil Spill / Oil contaminated site at Oil India Ltd. (OIL), Duliajan, Assam.
May 1, 2006 to
September 30, 2006
ioremediation of Oil Spill / Oil contaminated site at Oil India Ltd. (OIL), Duliajan, Assam.Electricity pricing and tariff study for peninsular Malaysia
September 1, 2005 to
September 30, 2006
The objectives of the study are: (1) To design a tariff for electricity supply which meets the following criteria: (a) reliability, quality, competitiveness, and affordability; (b) efficiency of generation, transmission, and distribution, and the power supply industry as a whole; (c) effectiveness in reflecting actual costs; and (d) consonance with international best practice with regard to tariff formulation and price regulation of electric utilities. (2) To review the TNB Tariff & Re-Balancing proposal of 8 November 2004.