Completed Projects
Energy audit of GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Limited
February 13, 2006 to
August 27, 2006
GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Health Care Ltd (GSKCH) is one among the largest players in the health food drinks in India. Its manufacturing unit at Nabha is engaged in production of Horlicks and Boost, which are highly admired brands in India.In order to reduce their cost of production, the plant entrusted TERI, New Delhi to conduct energy audit of their facility covering utilities (boilers, refrigeration and air conditioning, pumps, fans and blowers), Diesel Generators, power system, motors, air compressors, lighting etc.
Solid waste management in Annasandrapalya
June 1, 2005 to
August 26, 2006
The project aimed to address the problem of solid waste disposal by developing a SWM plan for the community of Annasandrapalya in eastern Bangalore and subsequently implementing this plan. This locality lies adjacent to a lake, which is being adversely affected by the indiscriminate disposal of garbage in and around it. There is no waste collection or disposal system in place and most residents throw their garbage near the lake boundary.Techno-economic evaluation study on the implementation of the special project agriculture of pumpset energization programme
February 8, 2005 to
August 26, 2006
The main objectives of this programme are (1) to study the impact of implementation of pump-set energization programme on the irrigation potential and corresponding increase in agriculture production in the states (Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal) where the programme is under implementation; (2) appraisal of the implementation of the programme towards ascertaining whether funding by the Rural Electification Corporation under the programme has been utilized by the implementing agencies in an effective and economicalBioremediation of oily sludge at Barauni Refinery
November 1, 2004 to
August 26, 2006
Barauni refinery is located in the eastern part of the country and generate oily sludge containing various hazardous petroleum hydrocarbons. The aim of project is bioremediation of 5000 MT (million tonnes) of oily sludge by using Oilivorous-S. The total 5000 MT oily sludge would be treated in four batches. Oilivorous-S is a bacterial consortium capable of degrading toxic hyrdocarbon compounds and has been developed by a joint colloborative research between TERI and IOCL R&D centre.Bioremediation of oily sludge by Oilivorous-S technology and monitoring of ground water quality at Mathura Refinery
February 1, 2005 to
August 26, 2006
Indicators for sustainable development
October 6, 2003 to
August 25, 2006
The objectives are to (1) design a framework for identifying and assessing SDI (sustainable development indicators) for India, indicating what modifications would be required for international comparisons; (2) compile the indicator series, to the extent possible, for the last decade which, would be undertaken for one state as a pilot test; (3) identify the data gaps/inconsistencies and suggest how these could be resolved to ensure a regular flow of information to support the indicators developed; (4) recommend the appropriate institutional and information coordinating mechanism at the centralSystem Requirements Specifications Study of Energy Management Information System (EMIS) for Kolkata Port Trust
February 25, 2006 to
August 24, 2006
Kolkata is the oldest major port in the country. But the nucleus of the present day Kolkata Port lies much earlier - with the grant of trading rights to the British Settlement in Eastern India by the Moghal Emperor Aurangzeb. The city of Kolkata has a synergistic linkage with the port.Renewable based DDGs: from commisioning to viability"
February 24, 2006 to
August 21, 2006
The description will capture the workshop proceedings. It will capture discussions onn policy, institutional mechanism, viability, and case studies based on DDGs.Capacity building for the state regulators and policy makers in mainstreaming of RETs in a reformed electricity sector.
June 25, 2005 to
August 21, 2006
To apprise and train the regulators and policy makers in Andhra Pradesh, about the international instruments like German Feed-in Tariff; Renewable Tax Credit (RTC) and Renewable Energy Obligation (REO). The project activities would include:
Investigate barriers to the renewables based electricity supply.
Analyse policies that influence the renewables based electricity sector including the Electricity Act 2003.
Analyse the international instruments/policies and the underlying principles that drive them.