Completed Projects
Documentation of Punjab's biodiversity
July 18, 2000 to
January 25, 2002
@ Prepare a detailed profile of Punjab's biodiversity@ Document faunal/floristic diversity, including genetic significance, ecosystems, habitats, and wild relatives of domesticated and cultivated species
@ Determine status and distribution of key species that need to be conserved
@ Review existing conservation policies and legislation and address gaps in the existing set of priorities and strategies
Biodiversity strategy and action plan development for Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal
July 1, 1999 to
January 18, 2002
@ Assist the forest department in preparing a biodiversity strategy and action plan@ Identify ecosystems and habitats important for conservation outside the PA (protected area) network of the state
@ Assess the adequacy of conservation and management plans and practices in PAs and non-PAs
@ Analyse the socio-economic, institutional, legal, and policy issues concerning biodiversity
Sustainable tourism development in the Darjeeling Hill Area
January 1, 2001 to
December 31, 2001
@ Assess the likely impact on tourism of the local environment and vice versa so as to recommend concrete and specific measures that need to be taken for the sustainable development of tourism in the area, with the focus on urban transport, water supply and sanitation, solid waste, construction activities, biodiversity and forestry, and railwaysImprovement of quality of oilseed brassica
October 1, 1996 to
September 30, 2001
@ Evaluate available low erucic acid / low glucosinolate lines of B. juncea and B. napus for yield performance and quality parameters@ Develop low erucic acid / low glucosinolate varieties of B. juncea by combining variable fatty acid composition for edible/industrial uses
Pilot project on Natural Resource Accounting in Goa - Phase I
February 10, 1999 to
September 4, 2001
@ Develop physical and monetary accounts for natural resources in Goa and adjust the state domestic product to reflect depletion of natural resource and changes in environmental qualityEnergy audit of Britannia Industries Ltd, New Delhi
April 1, 2001 to
August 15, 2001
The project activities included the following:1/ Evaluate the operating energy efficiencies of various energy consuming equipment like motors, compressors, refrigeration and air-conditioning, ovens, and cooling tower;
2/ Analyse power factor improvement and load and demand management;
3/ Suggest technically feasible and economically viable measures based on field study, which could be implemented by the plant to improve overall energy efficiency.
Poverty reduction through energy projects
September 25, 2000 to
July 9, 2001
- Develop a detailed evaluation framework to identify and assess the direct and indirect impacts of energy projects on poverty reduction- Review country assistance plans and suggest alternative and specific areas that can have greater impact on poverty reduction
Detailed Energy Audit of Associated Cement Companies Ltd. Gagal Cement Works.
May 30, 2001 to
July 5, 2001
Ultrafiltration of hot clarified sugarcane juice in sugar factory
July 1, 2000 to
June 30, 2001
@ Develop and test heat-tolerant membrane modules for purification of hot sugarcane juice@ Pilot test a 10 m3/h membrane-filtration plant