Completed Projects
Drafting a legislation for independent regulation in water and sanitation sector in Gujarat
November 5, 2001 to
June 30, 2002
Promotion of clean energy technology initiatives in the Indian sub-continent, OPET
May 1, 2001 to
June 23, 2002
@ Act as an associate member of the OPET (Organizations for the Promotion of Clean Energy Technologies) network@ Focus on RETs (renewable energy technologies), energy-efficient technologies and innovation in industrial units (small and medium enterprises), and clean power generation
@ Disseminate the RTD (research and technological development) framework programme of the European Commission and the projects on cleaner technologies and RETs.
@ Conduct specific co-operative programmes related to the following themes.
Global Environment Outlook: Phase III
January 1, 2000 to
April 30, 2002
@ Prepare an integrated state of the environment/policy retrospective for South Asia for 1972-2002 as an input to the third issue of the Global Environment Outlook report series launched by the UNEP@ Assess the change in the state of the environment in the past 30 years, identify the root causes for environmental degradation, and examine national and international policy responses developed to address these issues in South Asia
@ Contribute to global, regional, and sub-regional environment and development scenarios for the future
Integrating Agenda 21 concerns in national and sectoral planning in India
January 15, 2001 to
April 30, 2002
@ Assess the extent to which sustainable development priorities are reflected in national and sectoral planning and identify the missing sector and intersectoral links@ Evolve sustainable development strategies at the national and sectoral levels
@ Develop sustainable development indicators suitable for the country
Micropropagation Technology Park
January 1, 1997 to
April 30, 2002
@ Mass-propagate various forestry and horticultural species (both fruit crops and ornamentals) through tissue culture@ Develop new micropropagation protocols for economically important plant species
@ Serve as a training centre for large-scale production of plants through tissue culture technology; new entrepreneurs as well as technical manpower involved in this industry will be trained at this centre
@ Establish a micropropagation technology park; the facilities can be hired by private entrepreneurs to produce plants of their choice
A discussion paper on trade, investment and globalisation in India: addressing Agenda-21 concerns
March 1, 2002 to
March 31, 2002
Population, water, and quality of life
March 1, 2000 to
February 28, 2002
Study the pressures of demographic trends on water availability and the impacts of water stress on the quality of life@ Conduct at the national level a macro assessment of the impacts of population growth on water resources to identify critical states/districts
@ Conduct at the village level a micro analysis of impacts of water availability and water quality on the quality of life of households, particularly women and children
Environmental and social performance indicators and sustainability markers in minerals development: reporting progress towards improved health and human well-being
February 1, 2000 to
February 1, 2002
The specific objectives of this project were:Joint refinement of the conceptual framework of health and well-being in order to enable the construction of intercultural tools in minerals development;
Development of a framework of environmental and social performance indicators, based on issues identified in Phase I, using a bottom up approach rather than an off-the-shelf approach and testing of the indicator framework in different clusters in the mining region;
Development, refinement, and testing of the Quality of Life (QOL) tool; and