Pro-poor mobility: Policy guidelines and Case studies
April 17, 2012 to December 31, 2012
| Completed Project
This project forms part of UH-HABITAT's GENUS Programme (Global Energy Network for Urban Settlements), which consists of three components (1) slum electrification; (2) waste to energy; and (3) pro-poor mobility. The main objectives of this project are to: conduct a workshop with experts and stakeholders on informal transport in India;
The Energy Report – India:100% Renewable Energy by 2050
April 11, 2012 to December 10, 2013
| Completed Project
The objective of this study is to examine the possibility of increasing the share of renewables to 100% (or to as high as possible), to enable an appreciation of the role that renewables can play in India's energy future and assess the implications of such a dramatic change in the proposed energy mix.
TERI and WRI Joint Introductory Workshop on The New Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol Accounting Standards in India
February 1, 2012 to June 11, 2013
| Completed Project
TERI in partnership with the World Resources Institute (WRI) has embarked upon a Programme in India to build capacity on corporate greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting with the use of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP) standards.
Evaluation of National Biogas and Manure Management Programme: Family Type Biogas Plants Programme
February 1, 2012 to July 29, 2013
| Completed Project
Evaluation of National Biogas Development Programme. The project aims to understand the implementation and impact of the program and make suitable recommedations for effective implementation.
Assessment of Toll Booth Plaza Workers' Exposure to Traffic Pollutants and its Resultant Effect on Lung Functions
February 1, 2012 to April 30, 2013
| Completed Project
| Health & Nutrition | Environment | Transport
The project would assess the exposure of toll booth workers to traffic related pollutants. A Comparison of health effects on toll booth workers with less exposed control group would be undertaken. A variety of respiratory parameters would be measured to meet this objective.
Sustainable Urban Development: Minimizing Urban Heat Island Effect and Imperviousness factor
January 19, 2012 to February 15, 2013
| Completed Project
Research project on study urban heat island in bangalore city and suggest measures to mitigate them at building level
Environment, Conflict and Cooperation Exhibition during DSDS 2012
January 19, 2012 to February 2, 2012
| Completed Project
The increasing demands linked with rapid population growth and economic development put escalating pressure on water resources.
Overview of the Indian Building Sector Analysis of its energy saving potential and pre-identification of large-scale Energy Efficiency Programs
January 15, 2012 to October 6, 2012
| Completed Project
The objective of this assignment is to compile all the data available related to the Indian building sector that will contribute towards providing a rough and critical estimation of the energy balance for the whole building sector and its sub-sectors.
Identification of win-win adaptation options through adaptation metrices and integrated adaptation decision making frameworks
January 11, 2012 to April 4, 2012
| Completed Project
The current status of climate change adaptation is characterized by ad-hoc decision-making mechanisms without a means to measure the progress in adaptive capacity of people and systems udner question.
Training programme on entrepreneurship development for production of superior quality planting materials using in vitro technology in North-east
December 28, 2011 to June 25, 2012
| Completed Project
The overall objective of the proposed training programme is to enhance the technical capability of the officials/researchers working in the area of plant tissue culture in north-east so that the need of superior quality planting material could be met within the region. However, the specific objectives of the proposed training programme would be as follows: