
Improving Sustainable Energy Access among SC/ST households in Chamarajanagar District of Karnataka – A pilot study

September 1, 2016 to October 31, 2018
| Completed Project
| Energy Access

Modern energy access for basic lighting and cooking needs is fundamental to human development. In India there is a large gap between demand and supply of appropriate energy services. More than 40% of India’s rural households and more than 5% urban households do not have electricity and are primarily dependent on kerosene or wick lamps to meet basic lighting needs.

Impact Assessment of increasing solar PV penetration into the Indian electricity distribution grid

September 1, 2016 to February 29, 2020
| Completed Project

As a part of its efforts to decarbonize the power sector, India has an ambitious plan for achieving 175GW of installed capacity from renewable energy sources, comprising 100GW of solar including 40GW of rooftop solar PV.

Understanding how climate effects health in the Indian context

August 31, 2016 to August 30, 2017
| Completed Project
| Health & Nutrition

TERI's role is capacity building, outreach and awareness generation for a community of practice. We would be a secretariat, and have a website to network. We need to define a Strategic Plan along with the existing advisory group. The network has close to 70 members working on climate change.

10 ways to control air pollution

August 26, 2016 to February 28, 2017
| Completed Project
| Air

The report covers sources of air pollution in parts of northern India during winters and their impact on various aspects, thereby offering solutions that may be replicated in other regions.

Mahindra-TERI Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Habitats

June 20, 2016 to March 31, 2021
| Completed Project
| Buildings

The Center of Excellence aims at developing a robust and coherent database for market-ready, scalable and energy-efficient materials and technologies. It also works towards preparing policy briefs for Central and State Ministries to promote 'green' development that can transform India's housing industry and thereby help reduce the country's carbon footprint.

Enhancing the transparency, comparability and linkage of climate actions in India through the Networked Carbon Markets initiative

June 13, 2016 to June 30, 2019
| Completed Project
| Climate Change

In order to enhance the transparency and comparability of climate actions, and ultimately facilitate the ‘networking’ of carbon markets, the key objectives of this assignment are: Describe the details of the PAT and REC schemes and to unbundle the climate change mitigation benefits from other energy and domestic policy benefits and services provided by the programs.

Health and Energy Facilities: Pathardi- Towards a model village

May 31, 2016 to July 1, 2016
| Completed Project
| Health & Nutrition | Environment | Energy | Energy Access

TERI proposes to extend its activities under the umbrella of ¿Health and Energy¿. The proposal is driven by the vision of transforming Pathardi towards a Model village in a phase wise manner. TERI has identified the three niche areas that need to be addressed. 1. Energy Access, 2. Health and Nutrition and 3.

Developing the Environmental Status Report of Navi Mumbai 2015-16

May 25, 2016 to June 30, 2016
| Completed Project
| Environment | Cities | Sustainable Habitat

ESR (Environmental Status Report) is regarded as a significant tool in decision making in the context of urban development.

Water Quality Status of Maharashtra 2015-16

May 13, 2016 to August 15, 2016
| Completed Project
| Environment | Water

Statistical compilation and analytical presentation of water quality data monitored by MPCB.

Air Quality Report for Maharashtra 2015-16

May 12, 2016 to June 30, 2016
| Completed Project

Statistical and analytical presentation of air quality data monitored by Maharashtra Pollution Control Board.