Designing climate products and models for India
December 27, 2017
| Ongoing project
| Climate Change
The proposed work plans to continue with TERI's ongoing research with the objective of improving understanding of climate processes and its linkages at regional scales especially under the growing extreme climate event narrative using state-of-art dynamical modelling products.
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Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions for building sector
December 27, 2017
| Ongoing project
| Buildings | Sustainable Habitat
TERI is developing Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) in the buildings sector for Indonesia, Thailand, The Philippines and Vietnam.
Environmental Status reports for Urban Local Bodies
December 27, 2017
| Ongoing project
As per the Maharashtra Municipal Corporation (MMC) Act 1949, section 67(A), it is mandatory for all Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) of the state of Maharashtra to submit an annual Environmental Status Report (ESR) to General body on or before 31st July.
Enabling Cities to Implement Innovative Sustainable Urban Solutions
December 27, 2017
| Ongoing project
| Sustainable Habitat | Climate Change
India is on the cusp of urbanisation with around 34% of the country’s population currently living in cities and a rate of urbanisation higher than most South Asian countries. By 2030, it is expected that 40% of India’s population will be living in urban areas, contributing to more than two-thirds of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP).
Switching to a sustainable auto-rickshaw system: triggering sustainable lifestyles and poverty reduction in urban India
December 27, 2017
| Ongoing project
| Transport | Sustainable Habitat | Cities
Switching to a sustainable auto-rickshaw system: Triggering sustainable lifestyles and poverty reduction in urban India- The project aims to promote sustainable consumption, the objective of the project is to provide integrated solutions based on three principles namely access to financial social services, alternative sources of revenue and clean tech for auto rickshaws thus propelling consumer
Afforestation/Reforestation Clean Development Mechanism study under Uttar Pradesh Participatory Forest Management and Poverty Alleviation Project
December 27, 2017
| Ongoing project
| Forest & Biodiversity
Under this study, TERI is preparing Afforestation/Reforestation Clean Development Mechanism (A/R CDM) projects in the areas under UP Participatory Forest Management and Poverty Alleviation Project (UPPFMPAP -, which is under implementation in the 20 forest divisions spread over 14 districts of the state of Uttar Pradesh.
Learning platform for power sector utilities in India
December 27, 2017
| Ongoing project
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), with the support of Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation (SSEF), has launched a Distribution Utilities Forum (DUF) that brings together various distribution utilities across India to a single platform and envisages taking up issues and challenges in the distribution sector towards enabling distribution reforms.
Strengthening evidence-based advocacy for influenza prevention and control in India
December 27, 2017
| Ongoing project
| Air
This is an evidence- based study involving air quality assessment in the household environment. TERI’s role in this study is to provide aid in the monitoring of particulate matter (PM2.5) at the household level. This project will cover air quality assessment of around 50 households in the village belt of Ballabhgarh Tehsil of Faridabad district in Haryana.
To bring together Indian and Afghan innovators and urban planners for a 2-3-day tech camp in Mumbai to collaborate on developing sustainable solution
December 27, 2017
| Ongoing project
| Transport
The objectives of this Tech Camp are to: (1) Strengthen people-to-people ties between the United States, India and Afghanistan through exchange of information, experiences and expertise; (2) Increase the capacities of India and Afghanistan to address their challenges and prepare for the future by providing participants with entrepreneurial and problem-solvin
Installation and commissioning of solar LED street lights on the streets of the Ponka and other model villages under the NRL's CSR Initiative
December 27, 2017
| Ongoing project
TERI with the support from NRL aims to achieve the following specific objectives: (1) bring innovative clean lighting solutions to rural communities of Golaghat district, Assam through the introduction of high resolution solar LED street lights; (2) select the suitable location for the project intervention through scoping, feasibility and need of local commu