
Electric Mobility Paradigm Shift: Capturing the Opportunities

February 16, 2018
| Ongoing project
| Transport

The electrification of road transport sector can be one of the pathways to reduce dependence on fossil fuel, and mitigate vehicular pollution.

Development and demonstration of a unique low cost scalable PV technology

January 18, 2018
| Ongoing project

Flexible, light weight thin film technology is being developed by Power Roll Ltd. TERI supports Power Roll Ltd in subjecting the technology along with a few applications for field trials. TERI facilitates the technology dissemination and positioning them in the Indian market.

NAMA - GIZ - pilot implementation of India's Forestry NAMA in Assam

January 18, 2018
| Ongoing project
| Forest & Biodiversity

The proposed initiative aims to enhance carbon sequestration and to reduce pressure on forests from unsustainable collection of fuelwood through sustainable fuel wood management, deployment of energy efficient technologies and alternative fuel in select districts of Assam.

Energy Transitions

January 1, 2018
| Ongoing project

About Energy Transitions Commission

The need for accelerating change towards low-carbon energy

Development of tailor made nanozeolite carrier for slow release and targeted delivery of nitrogen for sustainable crop production

January 1, 2018
| Ongoing project

The project aims to develop technology for highly efficacious nitrogenous fertilizer using the tailor made mesoporous nanozeolite carrier that can enable the slow release and targeted delivery of the nitrogen.

Programme titled 'Climate Change and Sustainable Development' under the Framework Agreement between MFA and TERI 2016 - 2019 (NFA-II)

December 27, 2017
| Ongoing project
| Resources & Sustainable Development | Climate Change | Energy

The main objectives of this project are to: Integrate India's development objectives with concerns on climate change and, energy and resource security; Address knowledge gaps and provide solutions; Enhance stakeholder engagement for effective policy planning & implementation; Enhance outreach and awareness in the domains of climate change and sustainable develo

Designing climate products and models for India

December 27, 2017
| Ongoing project
| Climate Change

The proposed work plans to continue with TERI's ongoing research with the objective of improving understanding of climate processes and its linkages at regional scales especially under the growing extreme climate event narrative using state-of-art dynamical modelling products.

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Sustainability Partner to Amravati Capital region Development Authority

December 27, 2017
| Ongoing project
| Cities

As a 'Sustainability Partner' to Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority, TERI is providing technical inputs and handholding support in planning for upcoming urban and infrastructure development at the new capital city of Amaravati.

Biodiversity for food security

December 27, 2017
| Ongoing project

To improve food security and natural resource-use efficiency in a hilly through the application of biotechnology and reintroduction of traditional crops and practices.

Engineering the Nodulation Signaling Pathway in Rice Plant

December 27, 2017
| Ongoing project
| Sustainable Agriculture

The study aims to engineer Nodulation signal perception mechanism in rice plant. This is a critical step in paving way for the development of N2-fixing symbiosis in this cereal crop to enable it to synthesise its own nitrogen fertiliser for its growth, akin to legumes.