Demand supply scenario of power in Northern Region in India
May 12, 2003 to January 13, 2004
| Completed Project
Preparation of a database of energy-efficient and energy conservation products, systems, etc., available in industrial, commercial, domestic, and agricultural sub-sectors
May 1, 2003 to January 31, 2005
| Completed Project
Monitoring and managing ecosystems for improved health and human wellbeing in mining regions - Phase III
April 15, 2003 to March 31, 2007
| Completed Project
Minerals development, while increasing employment and income in mining and related activity, does create serious environmental damage and can undermine other socio-economic development opportunities of the local communities. This project seeks to address both the environmental damage and the socio-economic constraints created by mining in the study area.
Understanding environment-health linkages in rehabilitation plans: the issue of fruit trees for community plantations
April 15, 2003 to April 15, 2006
| Completed Project
Rehabilitation of mined out areas is a major issue in sustainable development of mining. Revegetation is one of the processes used for rehabilitation. Increasingly, as attention is focused on beneficial land uses, there is a trend in adopting and advocating revegetation which is useful to the local community.
Biotechnological interventions for propagation and improvement of apple rootstocks
April 1, 2003 to October 29, 2008
| Completed Project
The main objectives are (1) scale-up of protocol for large-scale clonal multiplication, (2) field transfer and demonstration, (3) characterization of homogeneity by molecular tools, (4) graft compatibility.
Development and testing of low cost membrane filters from biomass ash for clean up of producer gas for gasifier-based power plants
March 31, 2003 to January 31, 2008
| Completed Project
The project proposes to develop membrane filters using biomass fly ash as the starting material for high temperatures particulate removal from producer gas for power-generation application. Biomass ash from gasification of rice husk, bagasse, and other available biomass sources will be characterized and selected for membrane filter preparation.
Strategies for enhancement of dispatches of fly ash from GEB coal-fired power plants
March 24, 2003 to September 13, 2004
| Completed Project
This project entails review of the current Government policy on Fly ash, suggest management strategies for enhanced and sustained dispatches of FA for GEB as a whole and to develop plant specific strategies for FA management for all coal-fired power stations of GEB
Scouting for natural alternatives
March 11, 2003 to April 30, 2007
| Completed Project
The main objectives are (1) to separate three chemotypes in mixed populations of Withania somnifera, (2) to study the polysaccharide content in various chemotypes of Withiania somnifera, (3) to assess the glycyrrhizin and flavonoid diversity in Glycyrrhiza glabra, (4) to evaluate the polysaccharide and sugar content in Glycyrrhiza glabra accessions.