Clean development mechanism project design document development
November 1, 2003 to August 1, 2004
| Completed Project
Sensitizing and capacity building of village women on water resources management and environmental sanitation
October 15, 2003 to April 30, 2004
| Completed Project
Indicators for sustainable development
October 6, 2003 to August 25, 2006
| Completed Project
The objectives are to (1) design a framework for identifying and assessing SDI (sustainable development indicators) for India, indicating what modifications would be required for international comparisons; (2) compile the indicator series, to the extent possible, for the last decade which, would be undertaken for one state as a pilot test; (3) identify the data gaps/inconsistencies and suggest how
Development of a high beta-carotene variety of mustard for potential development in a food based approach to reduce vitamin A deficiency in India
October 1, 2003 to June 1, 2005
| Completed Project
Validation of electricity demand projection
September 25, 2003 to December 24, 2003
| Completed Project
To make an assessment of electricity demand by consumer category in the State of Maharashtra, both in the medium and long-run [10th(2006-07) and 11th(2011-12) Plan periods respectively]. The assessment of demand in the short, medium and long run is an essential part of the planning process in the electricity sector.
Developing a sustainable and environmentally sound transport system for three South Asian cities - Bangalore, Colombo, Dhaka
September 15, 2003 to August 23, 2004
| Completed Project
Execution of 10 kW biomass power generation project in Deodhara Village of Komna Block
September 1, 2003 to August 31, 2008
| Completed Project
The project aims to demonstrate a sustainable model for generation and suppply of electricity using local biomass resources. The village site proposed for the project is one of the remote unelectrified villages of Komna block. The Deodhara village has 6 hamlets, having about 275 households, 2-3 km apart from each other.
Comparative risk assessment for interventions aimed at reduction of indoor air pollution associated with biomass fuel use in rural and urban settings of Andhra Pradesh - an integrated evaluation
September 1, 2003 to October 18, 2006
| Completed Project
The objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of various interventions aimed at reducing the levels of indoor air pollution in homes that use biomass fuels in the rural and urban settings of Andhra Pradesh on the basis of health risks and reductions in greenhouse gas emissions by applying CHRA (comparative health risk assessment) procedures.
Natural resource accounting in the states of Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal for the mining sector
September 1, 2003 to July 31, 2005
| Completed Project
The objective of this project is to estimate the cost of mineral depletion and control environmental degradation due to mining, in order to adjust and arrive at better measures of growth and income in the states of Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal.
Project for textiles clusters at Jasol, Balotra, and Bithuja belt of Barmer District in Rajasthan
August 1, 2003 to March 31, 2007
| Completed Project
The objectives are to (1) assist the Jasol Water Pollution Control and Treatment Trust in the development of HRTS (high rate transpiration system) for utilization of treated effluent; (2) provide need-based support to the trust at Jasol for supervision of works related to construction of 2.5 MLD (million litres per day) CETP (common effluent treatment plant) and drainage leading to CETP; (3) assis