Workshops on Digital Libraries
August 7, 2006 to May 25, 2007
| Completed Project
The first Workshop on Digital Libraries was organized during 31 October - 3 November 2006; and the second one during 10-13 April 2007, by TERI with support from Technology Information Facilitation Programme of Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India.
Dissemination of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficient Technologies - biomass gasifiers and bhattis
August 1, 2006 to September 28, 2007
| Completed Project
TERI has been working on development and promotion of biomass gasifier systems for thermal as well as for power generation. Under the thermal gasifier component focus is on developing, promotion and dissemination of thermal gasifiers as cleaner technologies in small and micro enterprise (SMiE) sector.
Capacity building of existing and potential franchisees in rural electricity distribution business under the Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana in West Bengal
August 1, 2006 to October 4, 2006
| Completed Project
The objective of the capacity building program is to train existing/potential franchisees in the rural electricity distribution business under RGGVY program launched by Ministry of Power
Building awareness on energy conservation
July 24, 2006 to August 31, 2008
| Completed Project
Recognizing the importance of inculcating among school children and teachers a sense of respect and responsibility towards energy conservation and its efficient use TERI implemented a pilot project, in 30 elite schools in Delhi, supported by Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power.
Arunodaya - Student awareness programme on Renewable Energy
July 14, 2006 to April 30, 2007
| Completed Project
Over 1000 students from 24 schools across Bangalore are involved in this project. Through interactive workshops and field visits where practical applications of renewable energy are demonstrated, high school students are being exposed to Renewable Energy Technologies, especially solar, biomass, small hydro and wind energy applications.
Assessment of off-grid market potential for small-scale continuous power generation using LPG fuel
July 13, 2006 to November 13, 2006
| Completed Project
The main objectives of the proposed study is " To Provide insight into the market potential for LPG fuelled power generation solutions for small-scale continuous power applications". The scope of work includes 1. Assessment of the grid power supply scenario in the country
Study on Natural Gas as a fuel option for the Indian Electricity Sector
July 10, 2006 to February 28, 2007
| Completed Project
The study would assess the feasibility of natural gas as a fuel option for the Indian Electricity sector.
Emission Inventorisation for Faridabad Town
June 27, 2006 to June 4, 2007
| Completed Project
The study aims at inventorisation of air pollutant emissions of different pollutants from various sources in Faridabad. The sources of emissions would include vehicles, industries, power plants, domestic fuel burning, DG sets etc.
MY WATER (Mobilizing Youth for WATER conservation) - Phase II
June 15, 2006 to April 30, 2007
| Completed Project
MY WATER (Mobilizing Youth for WATER conservation) - Phase II - is an extension of the MY WATER programme that was initaited on June 5th 2005. The programme aims at sensitizing students on careful usage of this precious resource.
R&D Evaluation of Central Silk Board
June 6, 2006 to August 31, 2007
| Completed Project
The project aims to evaluate the various schemes of Central Silk Board with major focus on Research and development related projects being undertaken by various research organisations of Central Silk Board.