
Mobility for all

20 Mar 2013 |
Ms Akshima Tejas Ghate
| The Financial Express

The entire approach to urban and transport planning and infrastructure needs to be re-looked at from the angles of the problem of inequity, the problem of sprawls and the problem of private motorization, says Akshima Tejas Ghate, Fellow, Sustainable Habitat division, TERI.

The Biofuels equation

08 Feb 2013 |
Mr Anandajit Goswami
| Management Thinking

Anadajit Goswami, Coordinator at The Energy and Resources Institute, answers questions about biofuels and explains what environmental and economic challenges they pose.

India needs new policies to nurture science, research and technology

07 Feb 2013 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| The Economic Times

India's economic progress will be determined to a large extent by the capabilities of our scientific institutions and our efforts to innovate as a society to meet some of the major challenges that we are likely to face in the future, says Dr R K Pachauri, Director-General, TERI.

Building resilient cities

06 Feb 2013 |
Dr Divya Sharma
| The Financial Express

Policy makers and local city level governments must take a lead and guide their cities on a path of building resilience, which will simultaneously support ideals of good governance, writes Dr Divya Sharma, Fellow, Sustainable Habitat Division, TERI.

India as 'Renewable Energy Manufacturing Hub'

05 Feb 2013 |
| AlertNet

There is an urgent need to shape India as a "Renewable Energy Hub" for the world, especially focusing on the emerging opportunities in the developing world, writes Mr Amit Kumar, Director, Energy Environment Technology Development, TERI.

The Goa garbage scene: A lot left to be done

13 Jan 2013 |
Ms Shabana Mehmood Kazi
| The Times of India

There is a need to transform the institutional structure of local bodies in charge of waste management so as to enable them to achieve an optimum level of operational efficiency, says Shabana Kazi, Research Associate, Educating Youth for Sustainable Development Division, TERI.

The need for speed

09 Jan 2013 |
Mr Sarbojit Pal
| The Financial Express

The continually growing economy generates a continuous demand for greater passenger mobility. If the Railways wants to retain and grow its share in that demand, it has to improve its services, says Sarbojit Pal, Associate Fellow, Sustainable Habitat Division, TERI.

The biofertiliser option

06 Jan 2013 |
Dr Alok Adholeya
Mr Gautam Anand
| Business Line

The use of mycorrhiza biofertiliser provides benefits at both ends of crop management, with reduction in chemical fertiliser and associated yield increase, say Alok Adholeya, Director and Gautam Sharma, Marketing & Research Analyst, Biotechnology and Bio-resources division.

Future of LNG in India's energy mix is bright

30 Dec 2012 |
Mr R K Batra
| InfralinePlus

The prospects for LNG in meeting a rising share in India's energy portfolio are bright and face fewer challenges than domestic gas and crossborder gas pipelines, says R K Batra, Distinguished Fellow, Green Growth and Development Division, TERI.

Equal growth, opportunities for all in society

30 Dec 2012 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| The Tribune

It would be unrealistic to expect that 2013 will be dramatically different from the year ending now, yet it could mark a watershed for changes that this society and the world at large need most desperately, says Dr R K Pachauri, Director-General, TERI.