
Cooling homes.....heated pockets

05 Jun 2013 |
Ms Mili Majumdar
| The Economic Times, Blogs

Urban India faces equal challenge of housing shortage and increasing energy consumption in homes due to rising aspirations and lifestyles, says Ms Mili Majumdar, Director, Sustainable Habitat, TERI.

A new electricity order in making

29 May 2013 |
| The Financial Express

Mr Amit Kumar, Director Energy and Environment Technology Division TERI, examines and evaluates the present scenario of the energy sector and and calls for a define road map and a forward looking planning with fresh perspectives in the sector.

Renewable energy, a land guzzler

24 May 2013 |
Dr Shilpi Kapur
| The Hindu Business Line

Unfortunately, renewable energy is being promoted on prime farmland rather than wasteland. A policy solution is needed, says Dr Shilpi Kapur Bakshi, Fellow, Resources, Regulation and Global Security division, TERI

You cannot compete in a globalized economy unless you are scientifically ahead

01 May 2013 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| Search, The Industrial Sourcebook

In this interview Dr R K Pachauri, Director-General of TERI, speaks about climate change, its implications, and future prospects of India as a green country.

Only the scavengers will survive

21 Apr 2013 |
Dr Yogesh Gokhale
| Hindustan Times

Urbanisation demonstrates the utmost form of parasitism - it feeds hugely on rural resources. A growing city's appetite is typically met by sacrificing peri-urban agricultural land and associated livelihoods, says Dr Yogesh Gokhale, Fellow, Earth Science and Climate Change division, TERI.

Burning twigs can't secure energy needs of 1.2b

21 Apr 2013 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| The Tribune

If India has to attain a 9 to 10 per cent growth of the economy, the management of the energy sector and its evolution in the coming future would need immediate attention by the country’s leadership, says Dr R K Pachauri, Director-General, TERI.

Glazed facades: Myths and facts

10 Apr 2013 |
Ms Mili Majumdar
| The Economic Times, Blogs

Glazing has a large role to play in a building and research has proven that daylight has major positive impact on productivity and human health. On one hand glazing and glass allows us to connect with nature, lets in daylight, facilitates natural ventilation (when left open) and on the other hand also lets in heat which takes a lot of energy to be removed.

Why govt should privatise energy asset

06 Apr 2013 |
Prof S L Rao
| The Financial Express

A fully empowered energy regulator must ensure competition, quality, timeliness and efficiency in production. A single energy regulator must oversee the sector for efficiency, costs, competition, etc.

Time to renew commitments to green energy

01 Apr 2013 |
Mr Shahid Hasan
| The Hindu Business Line

The regulator must ensure that discoms buy the mandated share of renewable energy, says Mr Shahid Hasan, Associate Director, Knowledge Management division, TERI.

Sustainability, Resource Use Efficiency and the Norwegian Ethos

22 Mar 2013 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| Royal Norwegian Embassy, India

TERI has greatly appreciated and benefited from the Norwegian emphasis on global partnerships and collaboration. Consequently, over the past few years TERI has been able to work on a range of research projects and activities that have growing relevance to Indian society and the globe as a whole, says Dr Pachauri, Director-General, TERI.