
GRIHA: the game changer in implementing green guidelines for a better future

30 Sep 2013 |
Ms Mili Majumdar
| Green Digest

GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment) is a continuously evolving system that attempts to address India's specific challenges in the sector through a robust yet flexible rating framework and strong implementation focus, says Ms Mili Majumdar, Director, Sustainable Habitat, TERI.

A new paradigm in climate regime

24 Sep 2013 |
| Mint

The treaty to comprehensively address climate change will have global economic implications that may dwarf those of the WTO regime, says Dr Prodipto Ghosh, Distinguished Fellow, Earth Science and Climate Change division, TERI.

Don't waver now on nuclear liability

20 Sep 2013 |
Dr M P Ram Mohan
| The Hindu

Parliament framed a law that opens a door for reactor suppliers to be called to account if an accident results from faulty and defective equipment. There is no reason to dilute this provision, writes Mr M P Ram Mohan, Fellow, Resources, Regulation & Global Security, TERI, along with co-author Mohit Abraham, a partner with PXV Law Partners.

India: Water or Shale Gas?

06 Sep 2013 |
Mr R K Batra
| Thomson Reuters Foundation

One of the key determinants of the viability of technology for extracting shale gas resources is the availability of large quantities of clean water. This raises a red flag against exploiting shale gas resources in India, given that India is a water stressed country, says Mr R K Batra, Distinguished Fellow, Green Growth and Development division, TERI.

G20 Summit: Much heat without light?

06 Sep 2013 |
Mr Nitya Nanda
| Thomson Reuters Foundation

To remain relevant G20 must deal with cross-border externalities, says Mr Nitya Nanda, Fellow, Resources, Regulation & Global Security division, TERI.

Gas pipeline to China: Myanmar has it today; India had it 70 years ago

01 Sep 2013 |
Mr R K Batra
| Infraline Plus

On the occasion of the recent laying of a gas pipeline from Myanmar to China, Mr R K Batra, Distinguished Fellow, Green Growth and Development division, TERI, shares the story of a similar pipeline which was laid many years ago between India and China but which today is part of history.

Plan well for wellbeing

20 Aug 2013 |
Ms Mili Majumdar
| The Economic Times, Blogs

It is critical to take help of advanced climate modeling techniques to predict future impacts and redefine urban planning processes and strategies based on such studies, Ms Mili Majumdar, Director, Sustainable Habitat, TERI.

Biomass, the forgotten option

16 Aug 2013 |
| The Hindu Business Line

The need of the hour is to accord priority to biomass energy, similar to that given to wind and solar energy, says Mr Amit Kumar, Director, Energy Environment Technology Development, TERI.

Can we let this mass murderer run free?

14 Aug 2013 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| The Hindu

Benefits of a tobacco-free society go beyond better health to better environment, food security and poverty reduction, writes Dr R K Pachauri, Director-General, TERI, along with co-authors Dr K Srinath Reddy, President, Public Health Foundation of India, and Mr Shyam Saran, former Foreign Secretary and currently Chairman, National Security Advisory Board.

It never rains but it pours

05 Aug 2013 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| The Hindu Business Line

With climate change, extreme weather events are set to increase. But we have got to adapt, says Dr R K Pachauri, Director-General, TERI.