
Emerging Role of Blue Finance in the Asia-Pacific Region

Policy brief
| October 29, 2021

The policy brief critically examines pathways in which the funding gap for implementing SDG 14 targets can be bridged, using tools such as well-defined regulatory framework and collective partnership.

Policy and Technology Perspectives in India

| October 20, 2021

Innovation and technology have the potential to transform the electricity sector. Digitalization has had a major impact in the power system operation. Termed as 'smart grid', it brought in efficiency and optimization at the generation, transmission, and distribution levels. In this article, Pankaj Batra discusses how digitalization can help distribution system operators and suggests that the technology needs to be placed at the hands of the distribution system operator so that the problems can be rectified and streamlined.

पराली प्रदूषण - सटीक नीति से होगा हल

| October 7, 2021

- उपयुक्त कम पानी वाली फसलों को बढ़ावा देकर धान की अंधाधुंध खेती पर लगाम लगाई जा सकती है - धान की ऐसी प्रजातियों को प्रोत्साहित करें जो समय और पानी दोनों कम लेती हैं - ऐसी कंबाइन हार्वेस्टर मशीनें विकसित की जाएं जो धान निकालते वक्त पराली भी खेत से हटा लें तो पराली किसानों के लिए अतिरिक्त आय का साधन हो सकता है

India's Tryst with Natural Disasters - Environmental Laws Should Be Strictly Implemented

| October 7, 2021

In the first few decades since Independence, disaster response in India was traditionally concerned with relief and rehabilitation during the post-disaster period. It was only following the 1999 Odisha super cyclone and the 2001 Bhuj earthquake that disaster management in India came into maturity. In this article, Dr Rina Mukherji traces the growth of disaster response and its evolution in India, over the years.

गुरुग्राम के सिकुड़ते तालाबों के लिए बहुआयामी दृष्टिकोण ज़रूरी

| September 29, 2021

2025 तक गुरुग्राम की पानी की आवश्यकता 874.3 मिलियन लीटर प्रतिदिन तक पहुंच सकती है और ये आवश्यकता 2007 की तुलना में लगभग तीन गुना अधिक है। पानी की ज़रूरत बढ़ेगी लेकिन साथ ही खबर ये भी है कि इस शहर के जल निकाय खतरनाक स्तर पर सिकुड़ रहे हैं। इसके कारण कई हैं, जैसे - बिल्डरों के अतिक्रमण, सीवेज की डंपिंग, गाद और निर्माण कचरा और इसकी वजह से 55.2 (2007 में) किमी2 से 2025 तक जल निकाय 0.42 किमी2 तक सिकुड़ने का अनुमान है।

Supporting India on SDG 12 Monitoring and Reporting: A Critical Appraisal

Research Paper
| September 24, 2021

SDG 12 on responsible and sustainable consumption and production is a lesser understood goal among all SDGs. Considering the crucial importance of putting in place a robust indicator framework for monitoring, reporting and implementation of SDG 12, this paper is a critical appraisal of ‘what is’ and 'what can be'.

Understanding Linkages Between Sustainability and Traditional Ethnoecological Knowledge (TEK): A Case Study of Paudi Bhuyans in Northern Odisha, India

Research Paper
| September 17, 2021

Studies based on Traditional Ethnoecological Knowledge (TEK) systems help in development of critical, evaluative, and creative thinkin skillgs, so as to aid policy decisions around sustainable solutions. Sustainable development framework outlined under Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) presents an opportunity to experiment and evolve pathways promoting resource efficiency measures that hold a hope for a better tomorrow.

Understanding Linkages Between Sustainability and Traditional Ethnoecological Knowledge (TEK): A Case Study of Paudi Bhuyans in Northern Odisha, India

Research Paper
| September 17, 2021

Studies based on Traditional Ethnoecological Knowledge (TEK) systems help in development of critical, evaluative, and creative thinkin skillgs, so as to aid policy decisions around sustainable solutions. Sustainable development framework outlined under Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) presents an opportunity to experiment and evolve pathways promoting resource efficiency measures that hold a hope for a better tomorrow.

Battery Powered Mobility: Way forward in India

Research Paper
| September 16, 2021

In this article, the authors discussed about battery powered mobility in India and opine that our planning for the mammoth task of handling used batteries from electronic equipment, electronic vehicles, and solar facilities that have an integrated battery storage system will be defined for the planet's health.

Achieving SDGs in water and sanitation sectors in India

Research Paper
| September 16, 2021

India, with over 1.37 billion population and housing one-sixth of the world’s inhabitants, has a significant role to play in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This paper analyses the policies and programmes of the Government of India, towards the achievement of Targets 6.1 and 6.2 of SDG-6 that focus on safe drinking water and sanitation. The alignment of the policies and programmes is discussed in correlation of the output, outcome, and impacts on these targets of SDG 6. The Swachh Bharat (Clean India) Mission (SBM)