
Mapping policy for solar irrigation across the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) nexus in India

July 15, 2020
| Ongoing project

The objective of this project is to provide technical assistance to state governments and offer policy recommendations to the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) on the PM-KUSUM scheme.

Directory of R&D institutions

July 13, 2020
| Ongoing project
| Environment

It is proposed to collate and update the information of R&D institutions and industries across all sectors involved in S&T activities. The objectives of the project are to: (1) Collate and update the contact details of R&D institutions and industries; (2) Print and electronically publish the Directory of R&D Institutions.

Sustainable Urban Freight Initiative

July 13, 2020
| Ongoing project
| Transport

This project aims to set up an Urban Freight Cost and Emission Reduction Guidance Facility (UFCERGF), which will promote and demonstrate innovative ways to improve the sustainability of urban freight transport and logistics in India through partnerships and experience sharing.

Preparation of water quality status report of Maharashtra 2019-20

July 9, 2020
| Ongoing project
| Health & Nutrition

The main objective of this project is to prepare a water quality report 2019-20 for Maharashtra based on the data provided by MPCB. The detailed scope of work includes: • Identification of outliers and parameter values exceeding the permissible limits.

Extension of the Indo-German Competence Centre for Riverbank Filtration

July 1, 2020
| Ongoing project
| Environment

The overarching aim is to strengthen the cooperation in education and research between Germany and India in sustainable water resources management over a 3-year period from July 2020 to June 2023. The focus is on natural treatment techniques of riverbank filtration (RBF), managed aquifer recharge, and constructed wetlands.

Prevention of Marine Litter in the Lakshadweep Sea (ProMiSe)

July 1, 2020
| Ongoing project
| Waste

There is a pressing need to curb marine pollution in the Maldives, Sri Lanka and India sharing access to the pristine ecosystems of the Lakshadweep Sea.

Economics of Energy Innovation Systems Transition (EEIST)

July 1, 2020
| Ongoing project
| Energy

The project aims to help implement clear and practical complexity-based modelling appraisals solutions for informing decision-making and planning for low-carbon innovation, and technological change.

Green Budgeting for the State of Bihar

June 29, 2020
| Ongoing project
| Resources & Sustainable Development

TERI has provided inputs to the foundational process for green budgeting in Bihar and is advising the state government on tagging of budget heads with SDGs

Carrying out Source Apportionment and Emission Inventory study for Kashipur City, Uttarakhand

June 24, 2020
| Ongoing project
| Air

The main objectives of this study are to: • Profile ground level concentration of air pollutants in different parts of the city; • Select emission factors for different categories of vehicles with due consideration to variations for fuel quality, technology, size and vintage of sources, control systems, etc;

Technical consultancy for energy conservation and resource efficiency for MIL, Hapur plant, unit 1 & 2 combined

June 18, 2020
| Ongoing project
| Energy Efficiency | Water

The objectives of this project are:

(i) Identify thrust areas for energy and water conservation;