
Green Skill Development Programme

November 9, 2021
| Ongoing project

Drawing from its experiences at the grassroots level, TERI recognized the need for capacity building, training, and skill development of a category that matters most in the whole value chain, namely, technicians and rural entrepreneurs. The severity of the problem can be gauged considering that India currently faces a severe shortage of well-trained, skilled workers.

National Transport Decarbonization Council

November 1, 2021
| Ongoing project
| Transport

TERI is serving as a Secretariat body for the National Transport Decarbonization Council (NTDC) and will be responsible for bringing diverse stakeholders together and steer activities required to adopt an integrated approach towards decarbonizing the transport sector in India

Baseline energy audit and benchmarking study for secondary steel sector in India - Lot 2

November 1, 2021
| Ongoing project
| Energy Efficiency

The project aims to:

i) develop baseline energy/resource consumption figures for Non- PAT industries from six sub sectors in secondary steel sector, to have a basis for energy efficiency improvement.

ii) establish process benchmarks to capacitate stakeholders with necessary information for energy efficiency related decision making.

Preparation of State of Environment Report (SoER) - 2020 for the state of Punjab

October 8, 2021
| Ongoing project
| Environment

The main objective of this assignment is to prepare State of Environment Report - 2020, Punjab by mapping environmental, social and natural resource information and provide the information in the form of write-ups, maps, data tables, geo spatial maps, photographs etc.

Support to Start-ups and Innovators on Alternate Packaging Materials

September 28, 2021
| Ongoing project
| Waste

The aim of the work is to help GIZ better target the activities and develop a more comprehensive approach for the implementation of the Plastic Waste Management (Rules) 2016 and EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) framework while contributing to a circular economy.

Establishment of the Cluster Cells in Indore, Madhya Pradesh under Global Housing Technology Challenge - India (GHTC-India)

September 8, 2021
| Ongoing project
| Buildings

The Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of India have, under the Indo-German Technical Cooperation, agreed to jointly promote the ‘Indo-German Energy Programme’ (IGEN) with the aim to foster sustainability in built environment in order to use sustainable materials for thermal comfort and in turn improve the environment and climate conditions.

Scope and Role of Natural Gas in Mitigating Industrial Air Pollution

September 6, 2021
| Ongoing project
| Air

Some of the main objective of this project are:

IGES Strategic activities in India in 2021

September 1, 2021
| Ongoing project
| Energy Efficiency

The project will undertake the following activities:

Direct reduction of iron route in India

September 1, 2021
| Ongoing project
| Energy Efficiency

TERI proposes to undertake the following activities in collaboration with SIMA (Sponge Iron Manufacturers Association ) in the coal-based DRI production process:

IGES Strategic activities in India in 2021

September 1, 2021
| Ongoing project
| Energy Efficiency

The main objectives of this project are to: • Follow up previous FS sites on 5 Japanese low carbon technologies (LCTs) to develop an FS case study booklet introducing adoption of, best-operating practices, energy-saving, and economic impacts, etc. and to conduct follow-up interviews from energy auditors and/or managers who participated in ToTs.