Ongoing Projects

Preparation of revised State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) for U.T. of Puducherry

September 20, 2019
| Climate Change
| Environment

Transitioning to less water- intensive crops and groundwater conservation have been flagged as areas of emphasis while drafting the revised Puducherry State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) for the Union Territory. The revised plans were being drafted in synergy with the goals of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) for post 2020 committed by the Government of India and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) taking into account recent scientific assessments and projections on global warming, vulnerability and impacts.

Assessment of past works of TCAP for air quality control in India (2005-19)

September 10, 2019
| Environment

The major objectives of the study are to: (1) Summarize past years TERI’s research work with TOYOTA Connected Asia Pacific Ltd (TCAP). (2 )Collaborate with other TCAP members for a joint research paper. (3) Assess the variations in source contributions and concentrations from initially used de-coupled source sensitivity analysis of CMAQ model with the CMAQ-ISAM (i.e. integrated source apportionment method) on a national scale.

Solar powered pottery wheel-emerging future of pottery

September 9, 2019

The objective of this project is to design and develop a solar PV powered pottery wheel system along with energy storage that will be economically viable and can be taken up by the artisans located in the remote locations or at the places where grid connected electricity supply is not regular

Conduct a market study of the Indian Pongamia market

September 4, 2019
| Forest & Biodiversity

The objective of this project is to conduct a market study of the Indian pongamia market including its investment context, socioeconomic factors, local market actors with a regional focus in the States of Andhra Pradesh and Odisha.

Shell's energy transition pathways - model updation

September 4, 2019
| Energy

The development and climate mitigation challenges before India raise questions about its energy pathways ahead. In this background, the broad objective of this project was to evaluate India's current options and limits across each of the energy sectors and sub-sectors towards examining the need for additional technology and policy options in moving towards a net-zero emissions energy system by 2050.

Under2 Coalition: MRV in developing and newly industrializing countries

September 1, 2019
| Climate Change
| Environment

TERI will provide consultancy services to assist two Under2 Coalition regions (Chhattisgarh and Telangana) in India to develop technical capacity to help them to improve/expand their monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of GHG emissions and mitigation actions. TERI will contribute to the following project outputs: (i) For the state or region, a Stocktaking report, including a draft roadmap on technical assistance to be delivered as capacity building. The draft roadmap would be validated by the stakeholders prior to implementation.

Income generation programme for rural women farmers through commercial production of some high value medicinal plants in Garhwal and Kumaon regions of Uttarakhand

September 1, 2019
| Sustainable Agriculture

The main objective of this project is to promote medicinal and aromatic plants in Garhwal and Kumaon regions of Uttarakhand for the rural economic upliftment of the poor living in these regions.

Preparedness towards implementing Enhanced Transparency Framework and tracking NDCs under the Paris Agreement

September 1, 2019
| Climate Change

The project aims to undertake research work to enhance preparedness for the adoption of Modalities, Procedures and Guidelines (MPGs) for the Enhanced Transparency Framework (Article 13 of the Paris Agreement). The activities will include research on new reporting requirements such as Common Reporting Tables (CRTs) for GHG inventories, Biennial Transparency Report (BTR), flexibility options and Common Tabular format (CTFs) for tracking progress in implementing and achieving NDCs.

Research on EC Guideline implementation in Indian industrial sector

August 13, 2019
| Energy Efficiency
| Energy

In its endeavour to help Designated Consumers (DCs) achieve their targets under the PAT scheme, BEE is preparing Energy Conservation (EC) Guidelines and Energy Management (EM) Manual for the DCs. The Energy Conservation Centre, Japan (ECCJ) is helping BEE in this initiative. TERI is providing technical back-up support to BEE in this process. The EC Guidelines have been prepared for the DCs and the Energy Management Manual has been prepared by the 9 selected DCs representing different industry sub-sectors.

Up-gradation of school toilets, school playgrounds and strengthening of Anganwadi Centres in Kamrup, Assam

August 8, 2019
| Waste

Major activities planned under the project component are: (1) Developing a detailed Inception Report for the activities related to upgradation and strengthening of school toilets, playgrounds and Anganwadi centres; (2) Upgradation of 16 Toilets across 6 Schools; (3) Upgradation of 3 School Playgrounds; (4) Strengthening of 15 Anganwadi Centres.