
Govt to set hydrogen energy development targets, costs to fall: Secretary

21 Sep 2020
| The Economic Times

A committee of officials has been formed to set specific targets to develop this source of energy, Mr Indu Shekhar Chaturvedi, Secretary, Ministry of New and Renewable sources of Energy, said at an online event on the potential of hydrogen energy organised by TERI. As a part of a hydrogen mission, this committee would outline clearly quantifiable deliverables. It would be focused towards creating volumes, addressing regulations, supporting demonstrations, and research and development, the

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2020 could be turning point for climate change: TERI director-general Ajay Mathur

16 Sep 2020
| Hindustan Times

In an interview with the Hindustan Times newspaper, Dr Ajay Mathur, co-chair, ETC and Director General, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) said that it is possible that the global CO2 emissions have already peaked in 2019.

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Guwahati gets an experimental flood warning system

07 Sep 2020
| The Third Pole

TERI, along with the National Disaster Management Authority, launched a fully automated web-based flood warning system for Guwahati.

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India proposes overhaul of mining sector amid concerns over legality and social impact

03 Sep 2020
| Mongabay

According to Mr S Vijay Kumar, Distinguished Fellow, TERI, who has also been the secretary of the mines ministry, in India, auctioning of mineral concessions was introduced only in 2015, and it is not global best practice and it does not incentivise high-risk venture capital that is needed for exploration at depth for many of the metals we now need, like base metals.

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UN chief to renew call to India, G20 nations to invest in sustainable transition post-Covid

27 Aug 2020
| Hindustan Times

Dr Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, will deliver the 19th Darbari Seth Memorial lecture being organised by TERI on August 28, 2020.

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TERI proposes Rs 40-lakh cr Green Stimulus to revive growth, jobs

26 Aug 2020
| ET Energy World

TERI has released a discussion paper on 'A Fiscally Responsible Green Stimulus' to revive the Indian economy by creating demand and jobs with policy and regulatory interventions using minimal government spending.

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Flood early warning system for Guwahati launched

13 Aug 2020
| The Assam Tribune

In the first-of-its-kind initiative in the Northeast, the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) launched the urban Flood Early Warning System (FEWS) to predict floods in Guwahati, Assam. The system has been developed by TERI in association with Assam State Disaster Management Authority.

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TERI to conduct energy audit in Andhra Pradesh's East and West Godavari refractory clusters

03 Aug 2020
| The New Indian Express

To develop a roadmap for making Indian refractory sector energy and resource efficient, Bureau of Energy Efficiency has picked Andhra Pradesh among other states to initiate a study of energy efficiency potential in refractory clusters, which are among the energy-intensive micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) sub-sectors. TERI has been entrusted with the job to conduct the study.

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TERI sounds the alarm on damage to India's electricity demand from Covid

21 Jul 2020
| ET Energyworld

The Covid-19 pandemic will have a lasting impact on India's electricity demand which will continue to face significant dent for years to come, according to a new report "Bending the Curve: 2025 Forecasts for Electricity Demand by Sector and State in the Light of the COVID Epidemic" published by TERI.

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How porcupines, nilgai and boars make Indian forest communities poorer

19 Jul 2020
| The Dialogue

People and wildlife are increasingly coming into conflict over living space and food around the world. While the conflict and loss of lives on both the sides get into limelight, little is known about the economic impact of the rising conflicts on the communities living in forests for ages despite multi-facet risks. A study by TERI has thrown a light on this recently. The study in Uttar Pradesh's Terai region at the Indo-Nepal Border, has found that the families living in the proximity of

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Once we have a COVID-19 vaccine, How do we plan to store 1.3 billion doses?

18 Jul 2020
| Science The Wire

Vaccines need to be kept cool to remain effective. In some districts, a refrigerator as big as an ice cream cooler is needed to deliver the vaccines, says Mr Karan Mangotra, Associate Director and Fellow, TERI, and one of the authors of a report on the impacts of the cooling sector on global climate targets.

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India is one of the last big markets for fossil fuels – and it is cashing in

11 Jul 2020
| Science The Wire

Since 2017, a rising number of fossil fuel producers, mostly from Russia, America and the Middle East, have begun entering India, seeing the country as one of the last big markets for fossil fuels. "There will be extra emissions," says Dr Ajay Mathur, Director-General of TERI, "The question is whether we will see a hiccup or a bloating."

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