Completed Projects
White Paper on National EPR Framework for E-Waste Management in India
August 16, 2021 to
November 30, 2021
| Environment
The project aims towards Setting Up Innovative Value Chain for E-waste Management to channelize e-waste for formal recycling with the involvement of the informal sector.
The specific objectives of the project are as follows:
COP26 Charter of Actions
May 24, 2021 to
November 29, 2021
| Climate Change
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) has prepared a knowledge document titled, COP26 Charter of Actions, which assimilates questions and thematic options to advance climate action and ambition in the country and globally.
Global deliberations are important, but the real arena for climate action is at the national and sub-national levels and also in business and industry.
Creating Pan Himalayan Network for Climate Change Journalism
February 1, 2020 to
August 31, 2021
| Climate Change
| Environment
The programme worked on creating a pan Himalayan collective of young journalists by training them on the science, policy and storytelling aspects of climate change.
Assessing the health effects of exposure to air pollution through survey-based study
May 1, 2019 to
August 31, 2021
| Air
| Environment
Air pollution is one of top health risks in India and severely affects children. This project undertook a health assessment of children across six ecologically different districts to help formulate better policies prioritising action on air pollution and formulate a new Heavy Metal Exposure Index.
India's Industry Sector Transition
February 5, 2020 to
May 30, 2021
| Energy
India's industrial sector has made progress towards reducing its energy consumption and emissions but more focus is needed to steer the 'harder-to-abate' sectors such as iron and steel on a sustainable path.
Indian industry contributes to a significant portion of the total greenhouse gas emissions of the country. Within the industry sector, there are sub-sectors that are highly energy intensive and have been categorised as 'harder-to-abate'.
The work under this activity focuses on deepening the understanding in:
Just Transition
March 9, 2020 to
May 30, 2021
| Resources & Sustainable Development
Ensuring that India's energy transition away from fossil fuels like coal is both just and equitable is crucial. Under this project, TERI looks into the socio-economic impacts and the need for strategising policies for an inclusive and sustainable transition.
Enhancing Carbon Sink through Forestry in India
March 9, 2020 to
May 30, 2021
| Forest & Biodiversity
India's NDC goals under the forestry sector intend to create additional carbon sink of 2.5-3 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent through additional forest and tree cover by 2030. TERI, under this activity, aims to assess the pathways to meet this target and look into its socio-economic implications.
Mitigating Emissions from Fertiliser Use and Enhancing Land Quality
March 9, 2020 to
May 30, 2021
| Sustainable Agriculture
This activity aims to develop different scenarios of fertiliser use in the agriculture sector, its implications for greenhouse gas emissions and impacts on land.
Workshop on Innovative Charging Technologies for Heavy Duty Vehicles - Techniques, Strategy and Implementation (IChargeHDV)
January 27, 2021 to
April 16, 2021
| Transport
The Indo-German workshop on Innovative Charging Technology for Heavy Duty Vehicles (IChargeHDV) was organized on 18 February 2021. It aimed to provide a platform for policy makers, infrastructure developers, research and development institutes, and leading industry players in freight transport technology/rolling stock supply to advance industrial research partnership in catenary truck technology, which is of interest for both the nations.
Mahindra-TERI Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Habitats
June 20, 2016 to
March 31, 2021
| Buildings
The Center of Excellence aims at developing a robust and coherent database for market-ready, scalable and energy-efficient materials and technologies. It also works towards preparing policy briefs for Central and State Ministries to promote 'green' development that can transform India's housing industry and thereby help reduce the country's carbon footprint. Research output will be validated on the field prior to dissemination of databases, guidelines and standards to the real estate and building materials industry.