Research Papers

Assessment of inherent vulnerability of rural communities to environmental hazards in Kimsar region of Uttarakhand, India

Rajesh Shipra, Jain Suresh, Sharma Prateek, Bhahuguna Rakesh
| 2014

The study focuses on the assessment of inherent vulnerability of rural communities in Kimsar region to environmental hazards. A new conceptual framework was developed and hazard generic socio-economic indicators were identified in the assessment of inherent vulnerability of the communities to future harm. All the households from the selected villages were surveyed to collect information on the identified indicators.

Assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from coal and natural gas thermal power plants using life cycle approach

Agrawal K Kr, Jain Suresh, Jain A Kr, Dahiya S
| 2014

The importance of mitigation of climate change due to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from various developmental and infrastructure projects has generated interest at global level to reduce environmental impacts. Life cycle assessment may be used as a tool to assess GHG emissions and subsequent environmental impacts resulting from electricity generation from thermal power plants.

Assessing the potential of hyperspectral imagery to map bark beetle-induced tree mortality

Fassnacht F E, Latifi H, Ghosh A, Joshi P K, Koch B
| 2014

Natural hazards caused by insect outbreaks, such as those induced by the European bark beetle (Ips typographus L.), are among the most extensive disturbances affecting forest health in various geographical regions. Accurate and up-to-date knowledge of the spatial distribution of bark beetle-infested trees is critical for forest managers to effectively plan appropriate countermeasures and predict future bark beetle infestation dynamics.

Arsenic phyco-remediation by Cladophora algae and measurement of arsenic speciation and location of active absorption site using electron microscopy

Jasrotia Shivakshi, Kansal Arun, Kishore V V N
| 2014

Provision of clean drinking water remains a world-wide necessity, especially so for arsenic-affected regions where numerous physico-chemical methods have been developed for water remediation including adsorption, ion exchange, biosorption, solar stills, etc. Of these, several methods employ regeneration of media necessitating arsenic monitoring on a continuous basis, hence involving skilled operation or alternatively removal of arsenic-enriched concentrated brine into the environment.

Arrived Cold Storage Solution for Villages

Narula Ankit, Mann Lovedeep
| 2014

Post-harvest w astage of food produce has been a m ajor im pedim ent to ensuring food security in India. Lack of electri!ed villages w ithout adequate cold storage facilities, is only aggravating the problem . This report on a ground-breaking method of running cold storage in non-electri!ed villages using energy from the sun and a biom ass-based gasi!er, developed by the National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE), TERI, and Thermax Ltd.

Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Play a Major Role in Agriculture and Natural Ecosystems to Improve Production in Sustainable Manner.

Prasad Kamal
| 2014

AM fungi are associated with the roots of majority of the terrestrial plants. The?agriculture and environmental benefits of mycorrhiza is a well known. AM fungi?covering a variety of benefits in whole countries such as drought and increased crop?growth yield and save the environment. Their function range from stress alleviation to?bioremediation in soils polluted with heavy metal. There is a great possibility of using?mycorrhizas as a biological tool for sustainable agriculture in arid and semi-arid?tropical countries.

Aqueous geochemistry of fluoride enriched groundwater in arid part of Western India?

Singh Chander Kumar, Mukherjee Saumitra
| 2014

Fluoride-enriched water has become a major public health issue in India. The present study tries to evaluate the geochemical mechanism of fluoride enrichment in groundwater of western India. Total 100 groundwater samples were collected for the study spreading across the entire study area.The results of the analyzed parameters formed the attribute database for geographical information system (GIS) analysis and final output maps. A preliminary field survey was conducted and fluoride testing was done using Hach make field kits.

Applicability of Energy Saving Obligations to Indian electricity efficiency efforts

Harmsen Robert, Moth Luke, Kumar Atul
| 2014

This paper investigates end-use electricity efficiency policies and DSM related aspects within the Indian electricity sector. This work also identifies lessons for India from White Certificate schemes and Energy Saving Obligations in the UK, France and Italy. These two analyses aim to identify lessons which are applicable for a utility based energy saving obligation scheme within India. Most relevant results and recommendations are that an obligation is suggested, that no elements should be simply copied and that standardization could offer benefits to the Indian context.

Analyzing the Policy, Regulatory and Institutional Framework for Implementation of REDD-Plus In India

Kohli Priyanka, Sharma Jitendra Vir
| 2014

Forests are a vital national resource, with global concern, having local importance related to livelihood of people living in and around the forests. Conservation of forests is a traditional practice among the people, depending on forest for their sustenance and livelihood needs. In this context, the paper reviews the policy, regulatory and institutional framework of forest governance in India. The gaps in the policy, regulatory and institutional framework are identified. The paper suggests directions for policy interventions to overcome the gaps identified.

An Analysis of the Structure and the Determinants of Intra-industry Trade in Agri-food Products: Case of India and Selected FTAs

Varma Poornima, Ramakrishnan Anjali
| 2014

The growing evidence of intra-industry trade (IIT) in integrated markets has provided sufficient justification for trade in countries with similar endowments. While several studies have been undertaken looking at manufacturing and industrial goods, this article analyzes the structure and determinants of trade in agri-food products between India and members from its selected Free Trade Agreements (FTAs)—the South Asian Preferential Trade Agreement (SAFTA) and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).