Research Papers

​Solar microgrids in rural India: Consumers' willingness to pay for attributes of electricity​

Graber Sachiko, Narayanana Tara, Alfaro Jose, Palit Debajit
| 2018

​This paper assesses consumer valuation of different attributes of electricity supply to elucidate the conflict between solar microgrids and the centralized utility grid in India, as well as to provide insight into supporting government policies and structures. The study contributes significantly to the understanding of the role of microgrids in complementing a centralized system and its value as a sustainable energy solution for development.

​Rural electricity access in India in retrospect: A critical rumination

Palit Debajit , Bandyopadhyay Kaushik Ranjan
| 2017

Despite the large-scale efforts towards electrification in India since the time of independence, approximately 45 million households still continue to be without electricity access. This paper critically analyses the evolution of the process of rural electrification in India, the factors that potentially determine the household electricity access and juxtaposed that with the policies adopted over three distinct time periods: the pre-independence period; the period of state ownership and the post-reforms period.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Reduction Stratagems from Waste Sector in India

Manuja Sourabh, Kumar Atul, Pandey Suneel
| 2018

​India’s population growth, urbanization trends, patterns of income distribution, and increasing industrial production leads to increasing waste generation. Inappropriate waste management results in emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) constituting methane and nitrous oxide, contributing to global warming.

​A Systems Approach to Agricultural Biosecurity

Anand Manish
| 2018

This article highlights the importance of systems approaches in addressing agricultural biosecurity threats. On the basis of documentary analysis and stakeholder interaction, a brief survey of agricultural biosecurity threats and vulnerabilities

from global and Indian perspectives is provided, followed by an exploration of technological and institutional capabilities. Finally, a perspective on the agricultural disease diagnostic networks is provided, drawing instances from global

​Validation of the SARAH-E Satellite-Based Surface Solar Radiation Estimates over India

Riihelä Aku, Kallio Viivi, Devraj Sarvesh, Sharma Anu and Lindfors Anders V
| 2018

​We evaluate the accuracy of the satellite-based surface solar radiation dataset called Surface Solar Radiation Data Set-Heliosat (SARAH-E) against in situ measurements over a variety of sites

in India between 1999 and 2014. We primarily evaluate the daily means of surface solar radiation. The results indicate that SARAH-E consistently overestimates surface solar radiation, with a mean

​Solar microgrids in rural India: Consumers' willingness to pay for attributes of electricity​

Graber Sachiko, Narayanana Tara, Alfaro Jose, Palit Debajit
| 2018

This paper assesses consumer valuation of different attributes of electricity supply to elucidate the conflict between solar microgrids and the centralized utility grid in India, as well as to provide insight into supporting government policies and structures. The study contributes significantly to the understanding of the role of microgrids in complementing a centralized system and its value as a sustainable energy solution for development.

Energy Efficiency in Indian Sugar Industries

Rao G Rudra Narsimha
| 2018

The energy audits conducted by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in various sugar industries in India indicates that many sugar plants are still using out-dated technology and inefficient equipment, and are following inefficient operating practices.

​Effective Adaptation of Clean Technologies – Solar Roof Top Photo Voltaic (SRTPV) Systems

Rao G Rudra Narsimha, Kumar S Satish, Ahmed Sabreen, Shetty Arjun D
| 2017

Government of India had proposed to deployment of 40,000 MW of grid-connected rooftop solar power projects by the year 2021-22 under the National Solar Mission. Detailed review of various policy and guidelines developed for two major schemes such as off-grid and on-grid connected systems revealed that utility companies offered different types of cost effective tariff to facilitate quick start-up, implementation and encourage participation from stakeholders.

Polarized electrode enhances biological direct interspecies electron transfer for methane production in upflow anaerobic bioelectrochemical reactor

Feng Qing, Song Young-Chae , Yoo Kyuseon , Kuppanan Nanthakumar , Subudhi Sanjukta , Lal Banwari
| 2018

​The influence of polarized electrodes on the methane production, which depends on the sludge concentration,

was investigated in upflow anaerobic bioelectrochemical (UABE) reactor. When the polarized

electrode was placed in the bottom zone with a high sludge concentration, the methane production was

5.34 L/L.d, which was 53% higher than upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor. However, the

methane production was reduced to 4.34 L/L.d by placing the electrode in the upper zone of the UABE

Causes, Human Health Impacts and Control of Harmful Algal Blooms: A Comprehensive Review

Sonaka Sangeeta, Patil Kavita , Devi Prabha, D’Souzac Lisette
| 2018

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are increasingly attracting attention all over the world. A diverse set of algal species including diatoms, flagellates, chrysophytes and dinoflagellates can cause harmful blooms, and many produce toxins that harm other organisms and human health. Intensive cyanobacterial blooms, in particular, have been associated with high costs for society due to their potential toxicity. Algal blooms can produce different toxins. These toxins present a long-standing threat to human and environmental health.