
Enabling India's energy transition towards low-carbon pathways

| August 28, 2018

Electricity, transport, and industry will be key enablers

The evolving role of the Chief Sustainability Officer in India

| August 27, 2018

The role is now of a strategic thinker, a provider of frameworks and guidance to the CEO to build a sustainability vision for the company

Road to COP24

| August 27, 2018

Climate Finance - Where are we? Where do we want to go? How do we get there?

Kerosene to solar PV subsidy swap: The business case for redirecting subsidy expenditure from kerosene to off-grid solar

Policy brief
| August 21, 2018

An exploration of the idea of gradually moving from subsidies on kerosene to investing in off-grid solar technologies for marginalised households

Framework for sustainable management of end-of-life vehicles management in India

Research Paper
| August 14, 2018

Automobile manufacturing requires different metals-steel, aluminium, copper, lead, chromium, nickel and zinc, as well as significant amounts of plastic, glass, rubber and fabric. Analyzing the direct and indirect raw material requirements in the Indian automotive sector during the period 1997–2007, it was found that the material requirement of the sector doubled in a period of 10 years [1].

Framework for sustainable management of end-of-life vehicles management in India

Research Paper
| August 13, 2018

Automobile manufacturing requires different metals-steel, aluminium, copper, lead, chromium, nickel and zinc, as well as significant amounts of plastic, glass, rubber and fabric. Analyzing the direct and indirect raw material requirements in the Indian automotive sector during the period 1997–2007, it was found that the material requirement of the sector doubled in a period of 10 years [1].

What after Petcoke?

| August 8, 2018

A look at options for the cement industry in the face of a possible petcoke ban

Maharashtra govt. sets up TERI's biomass gasifier at landfill site to manage waste

| August 8, 2018

Energy generated from plant supports power requirements of the site

We need to mine in India to Make in India

| August 8, 2018

Mining in India has to be guided by perspectives based on minerals security and sustainable development

Storm Havoc: Better to worry now than regret later

| August 6, 2018

Natural events are no more a national concern; rising impact requires international collaborations