
Quest for green coal

09 Jan 2012 |
Ms Arpita Khanna
| The Financial Express

It is imperative for the country to adopt measures that reduce environmental damage from coal mining and combustion, and reduce the scope of frequent economy-environment dilemma, says Arpita Khanna, Research Associate, Resources, Regulation & Global Security, TERI.

Dr R K Pachauri in conversation with L'Avenir Green Digest

06 Jan 2012 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| L'Avenir Green Digest

We stand to lose, if we do not take right set of actions at the right time, says Dr R K Pachauri, Director-General, TERI.

Reining in corruption

02 Jan 2012 |
Dr Bibhu Prasad Nayak
| Governance Now

A good institutional environment that promotes transparency and accountability in administration, businesses and all economic activities, is important, says Bibhu Prasad Nayak, Associate Fellow, Resources, Regulation and Global Security.

Rural electrification: Empowering the masses

26 Dec 2011 |
Mr Rajiv Chhibber
| Power Today

Though there are no millennium development goals for energy, energy access is essential to achieve goals like poverty eradication, primary education and empowering women, says Rajiv Chhibber, Manager, Corporate Communications.

All dressed up and nowhere to go

26 Dec 2011 |
Dr M P Ram Mohan
| The Financial Express

What will the civilian nuclear power plant vendor's agreement on the export of nuclear power equipment mean for India, asks M P Ram Mohan, Fellow, Resources, Regulation and Global Security.

Be risktrictive

24 Dec 2011 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| The Pioneer

Efforts to combat natural disasters need to reach all levels of society. Institutional changes and awareness are imperative, says Dr R K Pachauri, Director-General, TERI.

Much ado at Durban

16 Dec 2011 |
Ms Suruchi Bhadwal
| The Financial Express

COP 17 has revived the Kyoto Protocol and the climate change regime of the future, but the details need to be sketched out, says Suruchi Bhadwal, Associate Director, Earth, Science and Climate Change Division.

Durban outcomes: Smoke 'n mirrors

14 Dec 2011 |
Mr C Dasgupta
| The Financial Express

As of now, the outcome of COP17 appears to be an illusion, says Dr P Ghosh, Distinguished Fellow, Earth Science and Climate Change Division and C Dasgupta, Distinguished Fellow, Resources, Regulation and global Security Division.

Learning from telecom

12 Dec 2011 |
Mr Shahid Hasan
| The Financial Express

Catalysing finance and technological capacity is crucial for harnessing renewable energy, says Shahid Hasan, Associate Director, Knowledge Management division.

Monopoly at what cost?

05 Dec 2011 |
Mr S K Chand
| The Financial Express

Coal India's monopoly would mean shunning the reform agenda of the sector and jeopardising plans for coal-based generation capacity addition, says S K Chand, Senior Fellow, Resources, Regulation, and Global Security.