
Sustainable Development: Where is sustainable finance?

07 Feb 2024 |
Mr R R Rashmi
| The Economic Times

It is time that we seriously begin to find policy instruments to mitigate or reduce the physical and transition risks of climate and mandate the domestic financial system to rise to occasion, says Mr R R Rashmi, Distinguished Fellow, Resource Efficiency and Governance Division, TERI.

India an exemplar in fight against global warming

06 Feb 2024 |
Mr Ajay Shankar
| The Tribune

Climate activists need to use platforms such as the upcoming World Sustainable Development Summit to focus on the downward trajectory of per capita emissions, says Mr Ajay Shankar, Distinguished Fellow, TERI.

The potential global benefits of being the most populous country

29 Jan 2024 |
Mr Manjeev Singh Puri
| The Tribune

The first position provides a special opportunity for setting the discourse and shaping global rules. It changes perceptions says Mr Manjeev Singh Puri, Former Ambassador and Distinguished Fellow, Earth Science and Climate Change Division, TERI.

How to make Indian carbon market work

28 Jan 2024 |
Dr Prodipto Ghosh
| Hindustan Times

The current Indian carbon market focuses on the single objective of carbon reductions. In doing so, however, some of the earlier broad objectives may also be realised, says Dr Prodipto Ghosh, Distinguished Fellow, Earth Science and Climate Change Division, TERI.

Multi-pronged strategy needed to conserve groundwater

22 Jan 2024 |
Dr Syamal Kumar Sarkar
| The Tribune

In many states, panchayats have little role in groundwater management. Relevant state departments often retain control over groundwater irrigation management, citing a lack of technical knowledge and expertise among panchayats. This must be reconsidered, emphasising increased participation of the people in groundwater management. Panchayats should be given incentives for groundwater conservation and penalties should be imposed for failing to meet the targets. Water regulators may assume an overseeing role in ensuring sustainable groundwater management in the states and UTs.

COP 28: Advancing Global Equity and Sustainability

15 Jan 2024 |
Dr Yogesh Gokhale
| Employment News

A nation such as India is faced with the challenge of not immediately eliminating coal and fossil fuels but rather gradually reducing reliance on these pollution sources. Consequently, the onus falls on developed countries in the global north, the primary historical emitters, to significantly curtail emissions, says Dr Yogesh Gokhale, Senior Fellow, Land Resources Division, TERI.

Positive impact of improving truck driver comfort

14 Jan 2024 |
| Mr Kumar Kunal and Shri Prakash
| The Financial Express

Truck drivers work long hours on the road, often in tough driving conditions, especially in regions where temperatures range from 43deg C to 47deg C. We should cultivate a safer and more satisfied workforce by reducing driver fatigue, changing driver behaviour, and enhancing overall comfort, says Mr Kumar Kunal, Research Associate and Shri Prakash, Distinguished Fellow, Transport and Urban Governance Division, TERI.

NATIONAL YOUTH DAY: Environmental Education needs to take centrestage to achieve sustainability goals

12 Jan 2024 |
Dr Livleen K Kahlon
| The Times of India

It is crucial to shape the youth's behaviour for promoting sustainable choices in decision-making, says Dr Livleen K Kahlon, Senior Fellow and Associate Director, Environment Education and Awareness Division, TERI.

Energy Policies for India

04 Jan 2024 |
Mr Ajay Shankar
| India Foundation

The transition away from fossil fuels and reaching net zero is imperative to save mankind, including ourselves, from the impending disaster of global warming. The simultaneous pursuit of these objectives in a coordinated, harmonious and mutually consistent manner have to propel energy policies which need to evolve, adjust and adapt based on experience and the needs of changing circumstances, says Mr Ajay Shankar, Distinguished Fellow, TERI.

Adaptation goals agreed upon in Dubai are insufficient

02 Jan 2024 |
| Dr Shailly Kedia and Ms Ishita Srivastava
| The Hindustan Times

A paradigm shift in the climate regime is needed for adaptation. There is a need to peg vulnerability from being viewed in terms of the country, says Dr Shailly Kedia, Senior Fellow and Associate Director and Ms Ishita Srivastava, Consultant, TERI.