
Preventing a parched Capital - insights on Water from Delhi’s Draft Master Plan 2041

26 Jul 2021 |
Ms Niyati Seth
| Ms Apoorva Bamal
| BW Smartcities

There is an urgent need for a revised and progressively rational plan to sustain the increasing water demand in the city, write Ms Niyati Seth, Research Associate, Water Resources Division and Ms Apoorva Bamal, Project Associate, Project Management Unit.

India needs an economic stimulus that can also aid green energy transition

21 Jul 2021 |
Mr Ajay Shankar
| Indian Express

Innovations around solar power, crop residue can create dispersed demand and jobs with large multiplier effects, writes Mr Ajay Shankar, Distinguished Fellow, Director-General's Office, TERI

How India can be part of global supply chains

16 Jul 2021 |
Mr Ajay Shankar
| The Hindu Business Line

Backed by good infrastructure, a revamped SEZ policy that allows duty-free imports and domestic market sales will help, writes Mr Ajay Shankar, Distinguished Fellow, Director-General's Office, TERI

Hydrogen Economy: Options before India

06 Jul 2021 |
Mr Ajay Shankar
| ET Energyworld

Green hydrogen is an extremely attractive technical option to supplement renewables, writes Mr Ajay Shankar, Distinguished Fellow, Director-General's Office, TERI

Nature-based solutions: Convenient ignorance of the inconvenient truth

05 Jul 2021 |
Dr Yogesh Gokhale
| DownToEarth

Solutions based on going back to nature do exist, but to make a tangible impact on climate change, they need to be executed at scale and with adequate support from both the developed and developing world, writes Dr Yogesh Gokhale, Senior Fellow & Area Convenor, Centre for Forest Management & Governance, Land Resources Division, TERI.

Improving energy efficiency of power plants

28 Jun 2021 |
Mr Ajay Shankar
| Electrical & Power Review

The time has come where we need a serious discussion about not starting more new coal-fired stations, writes Mr Ajay Shankar, Distinguished Fellow, Director-General's Office, TERI.

Embracing circular economy in cooling technologies

25 Jun 2021 |
Mr Gaurav Phore
Mr Shanmuganathan K
| The Pioneer

It is essential to transit towards the circular economy opportunities with the practice of three 'R's — reuse, reduce, recycle, write Mr Gaurav Phore, Research Associate, Earth Science and Climate Change Division and Mr Shanmuganathan K , Associate Fellow, Earth Science and Climate Change, TERI.

What the G7 message on net-zero emissions means for India

19 Jun 2021 |
Mr Manjeev Singh Puri

India, which has huge developmental needs and global high-table aspirations that require carbon and policy spaces, must protect its interest, writes Mr Manjeev Singh Puri, Distinguished Fellow, Earth Science and Climate Change Division, TERI.

COP 26: Will CDM regain focus?

09 Jun 2021 |
Dr Ria Sinha
| The Pioneer

CDM is an effective tool to facilitate low-carbon transition and helps in technology transfer, writes Dr Ria Sinha, Fellow, Resource Efficiency & Governance Division, TERI.

Defeating Cyclones | Let India’s west coast learn from its east

08 Jun 2021 |
Mr Saurabh Bhardwaj
| Mr Saswat Dash
| Money Control

The east coast can show the west coast how to effectively invoke citizen awareness and a unified response mechanism by the administration, write Mr Saswat Dash, Project Associate and Mr Saurabh Bhardwaj, Fellow and Area Convener, Centre for Climate Modelling, Earth Science and Climate Change Division, TERI.