
Bottom-up EV Adoption

09 Sep 2022 |
Mr Sharif Qamar
Ms Rhea Srivastava
| The Financial Express

In a country like India, where all cities  are densely populated and people often live in buildings with no designated parking space, urban  local bodies should provide fast-charging public charging infrastructure, write Mr Sharif Qamar, Area Convener and Rhea Srivastava, Research Associate, Transport and Urban Governance, TERI.

Leverage agroforestry for carbon markets

09 Sep 2022 |
Dr Yogesh Gokhale
Dr Jitendra Vir Sharma
| The Financial Express

Incentivise people for nature-based solutions such as community-led biodiversity conservation, agroforestry plantations, etc, where carbon and biodiversity credits can be generated and traded, write Dr Yogesh Gokhale, Senior Fellow & AC and Mr J V Sharma, Consultant & Senior Director, Land Resources, TERI.


Wheels on wheels: Increasing automobile loading by rail

05 Sep 2022 |
Ms Palak Passi
| ET Energy World

Railways have a major potential to capture automobile traffic. The focus simply needs to be on developing a customer-oriented interface, writes Ms Palak Passi, Research Associate, Transport and Urban Governance Division, TERI.

Flaws in our emission reduction goals

24 Aug 2022 |
Mr R R Rashmi
| The Hindu Business Line

There are no specifics on how growing energy needs can be reconciled with decarbonisation of the economy, writes Mr R R Rashmi, Distinguished Fellow, TERI.

Why Delhi must invest in blue-green infrastructure

06 Aug 2022 |
| Ms Charu Bhanot and Dr Sonia Grover
| Hindustan Times

Delhi needs to opt for smart water use and conservation. Green infrastructure is gaining traction in the city, but the government must also make blue infrastructure an integral part of its sustainability plans, write Ms Charu Bhanot, Research Associate, and Dr Sonia Grover, Fellow, Water Resources Division, TERI.

Climate Change | With more weather extremes in future, India needs new, effective solutions

02 Aug 2022 |
| Ms Amrita Jha
| Moneycontrol

A new perspective needs to be developed based on risk assessments and effective solutions with measurable potentials, writes Ms Amrita Jha, Associate Fellow, Earth Science and Climate Change Division, TERI.

The track to transport decarbonisation: Imperative to boost efficiency of terminal operations through innovation

15 Jul 2022 |
Ms Viral Joshi
| The Financial Express

This needs increasing the Railways' share in freight transport to reach 45% by 2030, writes Ms Viral Dipakbhai Joshi, Research Associate, Transport & Urban Governance, TERI.

India-EU: Global dynamics

07 Jul 2022 |
| Dr Vatsala Sharma, Associate Fellow; Ms Khushi Gupta, Intern, TERI
| The Hindu

Recent progress in the alliance opens up prospects of a customised partnership and mutual growth, write Dr Vatsala Sharma, Associate Fellow, Resource Efficiency & Governance; Ms Khushi Gupta, Intern, TERI.

Going green with sovereign bonds

28 Jun 2022 |
| Dr Asha Ram Sihag
| The Hindu Business Line

The government of India proposes to issue sovereign green bonds for the first time this year, writes Dr Asha Ram Sihag, Resource Efficiency and Governance Division, TERI.

A credible G7 just energy transition partnership with the global south

25 Jun 2022 |
| Mr Dipak Dasgupta, TERI and Mr Jean-Charles Hourcade is former Director of CIRED in France
| ET Energy World

Plans to accelerate available options (reducing highest-cost plants, shifting to 'cleaner' coal, delaying new capacity additions) will need strong social safety nets for disadvantaged communities and states, write Mr Dipak Dasgupta, Distinguished Fellow, Earth Science and Climate Change Division, TERI and Mr Jean-Charles Hourcade is former Director of CIRED in France.