
G20 nations must act fast to reduce carbon emissions

06 Sep 2023 |
Mr Ajay Shankar
| The Tribune

A complete switchover to electric vehicles and carbon-free electricity would reduce carbon emissions by over 55 per cent says Mr Ajay Shankar, Distinguished Fellow, TERI.

City-centered climate action: Measuring progress for tangible change

05 Sep 2023 |
Mr Sanjay Seth
Ms Rhea Srivastava
| The Financial Express

India's G20 presidency has taken commendable steps to empower cities and elevate their role in the fight against climate change says Mr Sanjay Seth, Senior Fellow and Senior Director, Sustainable Buildings Division, TERI and Ms Rhea Srivastava, Associate Fellow, Transport and Urban Governance Division, TERI.

Energy Transition: Why it is time for India to focus on CSP with Storage

05 Sep 2023 |
Mr Ajay Shankar
| ET Energy World

It is time for India to begin its CSP program. It should do what has been working well; invite bids for setting up a few CSPs said Mr Ajay Shankar, Distinguished Fellow, TERI.

Climate finance: Investing in the trillion-dollar global opportunity

31 Aug 2023 |
Mr R R Rashmi
| Policy Circle

Governments, corporations, and investors have crucial roles in mobilising climate finance to combat global warming says Mr R R Rashmi, Distinguished Fellow, Resource Efficiency & Governance Division, TERI.

Groundwater needs a recharge

28 Aug 2023 |
Dr Syamal Kumar Sarkar
| The Hindu Business Line

Given the perilous groundwater levels, artificial recharge and rainwater harvesting are important says Dr Syamal Kumar Sarkar, Distinguished Fellow, Water Resources Division, TERI.

Samosa: A tasty metaphor for India’s circular bio economy revolution

22 Aug 2023 |
| Ms Mandavi Singh; Ms Trinayana Kaushik
| The Financial Express

When it comes to India, environmental concerns have been deeply ingrained in its culture for centuries. Indian culture has long emphasized the interdependence between humans and nature, recognizing the importance of maintaining a harmonious relationship with the environment says Ms Mandavi Singh, Research Associate and Ms Trinayana Kaushik, Research Associate and Area Convenor, Resource Efficiency and Governance Division, TERI.

Rail route to Net Zero

08 Aug 2023 |
Mr Shri Prakash
Mr Sharif Qamar
| The Hindu Business Line

Moving people and freight on to railways serves as the key policy lever modal shift. Railways are 4-6 times less emission intensive than road transport for per tonne kilometre of freight carried, despite the current energy mix. Railways has a critical role in decarbonisation says Mr Shri Prakash, Distinguished Fellow and Mr Sharif Qamar, Associate Director, Transport & Urban Governance Division, TERI.

Digital Innovation: An Effective Approach to Address Urban Challenges

07 Aug 2023 |
| Ms Anushree Harde
| The Financial Express

The automated service delivery gaining acceptability and greater reach would help in evolution of new ways of engagement for citizens says Ms Anushree Harde, Research Associate, Transport and Urban Governance Division, TERI.

We have initiated a drive towards a zero-carbon mission for habitats

31 Jul 2023 |
Mr Sanjay Seth
| EPC World

Both Panchamrit and Mission LiFE act as a roadmap for stakeholder to align their developmental objectives with the national climate goals says, Mr Sanjay Seth, Senior Director, Sustainable Buildings Division, TERI.