The Vasudeva V. Dempo Climate Change Awareness Programme for Schools in Goa: A TERI-DEMPO Initiative

01 Jul 2010 18 Jul 2012
This programme is a unique NGO-Corporate partnership between TERI, Goa Centre and V. S. Dempo Holdings Pvt. Ltd (DEMPO). The initiative is in the nature of an awareness-cum-capacity building programme on climate change for the benefit of secondary school children in Goa. The programme aims to sensitize school students to the science of climate change, its impacts and, more importantly, what can be done to address the issue. Some of the major activities that will be undertaken at thirty schools across Goa, covering both urban and rural areas are: initiation workshops, resource material distribution, competitions, and field visits. TERI will also develop a web page to be linked to its existing sites on climate change education.