Urban Peri-Urban Energy Access (UPEA), Phase-III: Policy Synthesis Report

01 Mar 2011 19 Jul 2013
The aim of UPEA-III (Urban Peri-urban Energy Access) is to build upon and take forward the work done in UPEA-I and II. This phase will focus on recommending policy and other measures to operationalize solutions to improve energy access for the urban poor in the areas where UPEA-II research was carried out. The specific taks to be performed are as follows:

1) Collection of background information about the selected area of study i.e. New Delhi and a discussion on access to legal and cleaner energy by the urban poor. Review key plans, policies and programmes for the urban poor and evaluate whether energy access for urban poor is being adequately addressed in these plans/ policies/ programmes;

2) Identification of supply and demand side barriers;

3) Collection and compilation of barrier specific best practices i.e. successful policies/initiatives that have supported or enabled energy access for the urban poor in their regions.

4) Recommendations to address the supply and demand side barriers identified in Task 2. The best practice compilation (Task 3) will serve as a resource to help centers understand how similar barriers have been addressed elsewhere.

A policy dialogue panel would be constituted and convened in the initial and the final phase of the research study.