Symposium on ‘Promoting Rural Entrepreneurship for Enhancing Access to Clean Lighting Options’ - A Parallel Event during DIREC 2010

01 Aug 2010 07 Dec 2010
The DIREC (Delhi International Renewable Energy Conference) 2010 is a part of the initiative taken at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, acknowledging the significance of renewable energies for sustainable development. The DIREC, an international platform for government, private, and non-governmental think tank, is fourth in the series of global ministerial - level conference on renewable energy. TERI is organizing a Parallel Event in DIREC 2010 in the form of a symposium and bring together national and international players in the rural lighting sector to discuss and brainstorm some of the above mentioned issues especially related to technology and business models relevant for the off grid lighting in the Asia Pacific region.