Sustainable Energy Technology at Work: Thematic promotion of energy efficiency and energy saving technologies in the Carbon markets

01 Sep 2008 30 Jun 2011
The overall objective of the SETatWork proposal is to undertake thematic promotion of energy efficiency and saving technologies in industry sectors connected with the carbon markets Core actions are:
(1) Identification of concrete projects in `ETS Companies' (WP3).
(2) Matchmaking events bringing market actors together for project realization (WP4).
(3) Parallel project identification and match-making at CDM markets in Asia and Latin America for the benefit of EU stakeholders.
(4) Promotion: Website and newsletter (WP5).
(5) Training of EU industry based in need assessment.
(6) Improving competences and awareness on energy efficiency technology options and CO2 handling in the industry (WP5).

The expected impact of the action is to facilitate the fulfilment of EU's climate & energy policy goals and at the same time exploiting EU RTD and commercial aspects of the carbon market development. It will lead to initiation of a number of specific projects in industry sectors and provide comprehensive dissemination on tools and examples to broad target groups