OTBL Campus Impact Challenge: A Youth Initiative for Creating Positive Spaces

27 Dec 2023

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in partnership with ONGC TERI Biotech Limited (OTBL), brings to you ‘OTBL Campus Impact Challenge’ – an initiative for the youth and by the youth for creating positive spaces. The programme focuses on learning about Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), understanding the linkages with various scientific and non-scientific programmes, contesting through identifying challenges on campus, ideating to transform it into environment-friendly space with an aim to ‘walk the talk’ and emphasising ‘global’ initiatives. Colleges and institutes of higher learning from Assam have been invited to take part in the ‘OTBL CAMPUS IMPACT CHALLENGE’.

OTBL Campus Impact Challenge:

Participating Colleges: After the first level of screening, six colleges have been shortlisted to participate and have been actively working on their sustainability projects. Their dedication and innovative ideas are driving transformative changes on their campuses. Below are the details of Campaign ideas from Assam:

  • The objective of Assam University (Silchar) is to promote the idea of menstrual hygiene and its impact on health while providing better access to menstrual products by conducting health education programs and awareness on hygiene and sanitation. They also aim to increase knowledge and develop positive attitudes towards hygiene and sanitation maintenance practices.
  • Cotton University, Department of Environmental Biology and Wildlife Sciences (Guwahati), desires to work on protecting the species of animals found on the campus, educating and raising students' awareness about protection and different species present on the campus, and encouraging students to protect nature and different species.
  • Dibrugarh University Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Department (Dibrugarh) aims to prevent or eliminate mosquitoes on the Dibrugarh University campus using natural plant-based repellent.
  • Sibsagar University (Sibsagar) aims to work on the effective disposal of ever-increasing electronic waste (e-waste) as it is one of the grand challenges for the scientific and technological community today. They intend to carry out this activity to properly extract various metals from e-waste by using green technology and common laboratory techniques done in undergraduate chemistry laboratories. By recycling and reusing the extracted metals in organic synthesis, they aim to study antimicrobials and dispose of unwanted electronic gadgets in a scientific way to fulfil the motto ‘waste to use’.
  • Swahid Peoli Phukan College (Namti, Sibsagar) aims to work on education and awareness by implementing educational programs to promote waste reduction, reuse, refuse and recycling practices among students and the community by developing efficient waste collection and recycling systems to ensure proper disposal and processing of waste materials and encouraging the adoption of innovative technologies and promoting a circular economy approach to minimize waste generation and maximize resource utilization.
  • Tezpur University (Tezpur) intends to work on addressing the pressing issue of fruit and vegetable peel waste on their campus and surrounding areas, with the growing concern for environmental sustainability, their team has identified an innovative approach to repurpose discarded fruit peels and flower waste into valuable products, thereby promoting a circular economy model and fostering a culture of environmental stewardship.

Stay tuned for more updates and success stories from the participating colleges.

Environmental awareness
Sustainable development
Sustainable Development Goals