GHG Protocol Adoption in India

01 Dec 2010 26 Sep 2011
The project is a joint collaboration between the World Resources Institute (WRI), TERI and TERI-BCSD India to design a program on GHG management and accounting that is attractive and practical for Indian businesses. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP) is one of the main internationally recognised GHG accounting standards which is widely used by government and business leaders. Jointly developed by the WRI and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and based on IPPC methodology, successful GHGP corporate programs have been launched in North America, Mexico, the Philippines, China and Brazil. Given the growing importance that corporate GHG accounting is gaining within India, especially in line with national and state level based polices pertaining to climate change, there is a growing need and indeed a business case for all operations to build capacity within the industrial sector on GHG accounting. There is presently a large technical and institutional gap in corporate GHG accounting and inventorisation within India which is likely to be a significant issue in terms of transparently reporting GHG emissions. Greater adoption of the GHGP will not only bridge this gap, but it will also greatly assist in facilitating the standardisation of industrial good practice and the identification and deployment of a common approach to GHG accounting.

The programme will explore linking energy conservation with GHG emission reductions by highlighting the obvious link between energy conservation and mitigation. The program strategy will be built upon the basis that to meet energy reduction goals, enterprises will have to gather much of the same information that can be used to measure GHG emissions. By developing GHG inventories as well as energy inventories, companies can gain additional understanding of their GHG related risks and opportunities at little additional cost. The programme will be executed in two phases. The first phase of the programme will aim to develop the overall framework for initiating a pilot GHG inventorisation programme while the second phase will broadly seek to assist businesses in developing and reporting their GHG emissions inventory.