Field testing of WHO’s Generic Research Protocol for assessing potential association between Climatic Factors and Malarial incidence using a retrospective approach at selected site(s) in India

15 Jun 2011 15 May 2012
The primary objective of this retrospective study is to explore the potential relationship between climatic factors and malarial incidence through statistical analysis of meteorological and health data for selected site(s) in India by adopting and suitably customising the guidelines provided in the Generic Research Protocol developed by the WHO. However, the study will also be important for the following reasons: 1) The study will help the research team to learn statistical tools and techniques that can be used to analyse associations between climate and health parameters, thus building capacity in this field; 2) The study through its detailed analysis of climate and health data will help to reveal the key methodological issues and limitations faced while conducting such retrospective studies. The study is especially expected to highlight the data gaps that exist in India with respect to diseases surveillance data; 3) The output of the study will help frame key recommendations regarding improvements in disease monitoring and surveillance systems in India.