Climate Change Vulnarability Assessment for Rajasthan
Most methods of vulnerability assessments, in use at present, face conceptual, methodological or empirical challenges such as lack of an integrated framework, large-scale assumptions in case of data unavailability and a high degree of sensitivity to alternative methods for data aggregation etc. Lack of an integrated approach towards vulnerability assessments runs the risk of overlooking the inter-linkages between various sectors and feedbacks. The issue of conflicting scales however, makes the integration at different temporal, spatial and sectoral scales complex. In cognizance of these methodological challenges, a methodological framework for integrated vulnerability assessment at the state-level has been developed to enable decision-makers, including policy planners and state governments to identify the most vulnerable regions and communities and deploy targeted response strategies. With support from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and Government of Rajasthan, this project seeks to apply this framework to conduct a vulnerability assessment for the state of Rajasthan.