Dr Manish Anand, Senior Fellow, TERI, is an interdisciplinary policy researcher with more than 16 years of professional experience in science, sustainability and public policy grounded in interdisciplinary research, project coordination and management, outreach and capacity building. Earlier on he has worked as Research Associate at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. He also led an interdisciplinary group at TERI, as an Area Convener, undertaking policy-centric research on science, technology and innovation and was a guest researcher at the German Development Institute, Bonn. He has worked in diverse areas of food, agriculture, land use, climate change, energy and environment, and emerging technology policy. Currently, his research and policy analysis work focuses on generating evidence, strategies and methodologies based on systems thinking approaches towards sustainable food and land use systems including sustainable agricultural practices, natural resource use, rural livelihoods, human health and nutrition, and climate change. He has coordinated capacity building and training programmes on green innovations and social enterprise for sustainable development and delivered guest lectures on sustainable agricultural innovation systems. Besides publishing in peer-reviewed international journals he has also contributed in writing of policy briefs, newspaper articles and blog-posts and has two books (co-edited) to his credit.
Email: manand@teri.res.in