Mr K Venkatramana

Profile picture for user Mr K Venkatramana
Mr K Venkatramana
Associate Fellow and Area Convenor, Centre for Climate Modelling

Mr K Venkatramana is working as Associate Fellow and Area Convenor of the Centre for Climate Modelling. He has 12 years of experience in climate modelling. His research work includes analysis of diurnal variability of monsoon, active and break phases of monsoon, Global and regional impact of Indian summer monsoon, intraseasonal-to-interannual variability of the Indian summer monsoon. Assessing climate extremes and variability, working on climate risk profiles and hazards for various sectors, combining climate risk studies to various developmental challenges are few fields of his expertise.

Mr Venkatramana have the vast experience on Regional and Global Climate Model diagnosis and running regional scale models like PRECISE, WRF. He has a strong hold on AI and machine learning utilizing them for climate extremes and innovating the methods for climate modeling. He prior worked as a Research Intern at National Atmospheric Research Laboratory, Department of Space, and Satish Dhawan Space Center (SDSC-SHAR), ISRO, Sriharikota. He received a Master of Philosophy in Physics and M. Tech in Space Technology & applications from the Sri Venkateshwara University.
