Lead by example on climate change

10 Aug 2007

One of the most serious aspects of climate change is the equity dimensions of the problem. The largest responsibility for the increase in concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere lies with the developed countries, but the worst impacts and the highest vulnerability applies to several developing countries.

The Asian megadeltas, which include cities such as Dhaka, Kolkata and Shanghai, would be some of the most vulnerable spots against the projections of sea level rise, with prospects of coastal flooding and other serious consequences that would affect a large number of people and property.

It is entirely possible that some of the prosperous cities in Asia would suffer seriously from the human and economic consequences of extreme events. With the growing vulnerability of these habitats, economic loss and human misery would increase. The city of Mumbai within a span of two years has suffered two incidents of heavy rain descending in a short period of a few hours on each occasion, the economic consequences of which are being felt now and are likely to continue for several years.

The world has provided hardly any resources for adaptation measures in the most vulnerable countries, such as the small island developing states where the very survival of human beings is at stake. A country like India, therefore, has not only to raise its voice on the inequitable nature of actions and responses to climate change between developed and developing countries, but also to ensure that in its own path of development it pursues the objectives of sustainability. The co-benefits from such an approach are so overwhelming that even in the absence of climate change such an approach would be justified for reasons of energy security, reduced local pollution and in several respects the creation of new employment.

The popular approach in developing countries is to emphasise the stand that their governments cannot and will not accept any targets or commitments to limit emissions. The overlap between mitigation measures for improving local environmental quality and managing greenhouse emissions is so large that several actions need to be taken for domestic rather than global considerations.

Consequently, the time has come to identify so-called no regrets measures that would help to address local environmental problems primarily, but would also produce large global benefits, by which India can justly claim that it is undertaking its share of the "common but differentiated responsibility" that is defined in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Given the rapid growth of the Indian economy, urgent shifts towards a sustainable path of development are essential. Otherwise, investments and infrastructure would be created that would use natural resources unsustainably, to the detriment of coming generations and leading to a stage where the economy itself would suffer adversely. What is good for India is good for the world, and it is in realisation of this fact that India has to emerge as a nation that others would like to emulate. By establishing a benchmark India would also gain economic advantage, since the processes, technologies and products that it develops would provide a competitive advantage that would open markets globally for Indian suppliers.

It is appropriate to recall Gandhiji's famous words "Be the change that you want to see in the world".

May I also say that the world and posterity demand that Australia also seize this opportunity for reassessing its position and act resolutely on the basis of the scientific evidence and actual observations to chart out a new path of development. Indeed, Australia can be a major example for other developed countries and particularly for its neighbours in Asia that are emerging rapidly at various stages of development towards economic prosperity. A shared vision in this respect between India and Australia can have much greater global appeal and potential than if the two countries act in this regard entirely on their own.

I would, therefore, plead for a closer relationship of development issues with a sense of urgency. A churning of conventional thinking and reappraisal of past practices and policies is essential.