Accelerating Multistakeholder Cooperation for Climate Actions in the Global South

09 Dec 2023 09 Dec 2023
Nordic Pavilion, Blue Zone

Countries across the Global South have set ambitious targets on energy transition, a key element of their climate action. Implementing such ambitious targets, however, is dependent on several factors like conducive policies, progressive business actions and access to clean technologies enabled by international cooperation.

Decarbonisation of energy systems and industrial processes require large financing and access to requisite technologies - both of which are heavily concentrated in countries of the Global North. Facilitating financial and technological flows from the Global North to Global South is crucial for the achievement of the Paris Agreement for two primary reasons. One, enhanced climate finance flows from developed to the developing countries will help the former achieve their climate finance pledges; second, technology and finance present key levers on which climate actions of the emerging economies are dependent.

Given this backdrop, the joint convening of TERI and DNV will discuss questions such as:

  • Which technologies hold the most promise for decarbonising industrial processes?
  • How can clean technologies be disseminated to the industrial base of the developing world?
  • How can developing countries move up the ladder of the clean technologies value chain?