
Action for change - Creating environmental awareness

30 Apr 2018

A reorientation towards Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is essential for the next generation

Fighting Plastics: Is ban the way ahead?

20 Apr 2018

Capacity of the local governments to impose a ban ensuring the necessary monitoring mechanism remains a challenge

Energy efficiency and renewables' share up, so is air pollution and untreated waste

12 Apr 2018

Latest data in energy and environment paints a favourable picture of the status of renewable energy in India, energy supply and demand

Clean cooking challenges in rural India

09 Apr 2018

Complete penetration of clean cooking fuel and cookstoves in rural India requires a multi-pronged approach

Exploring linkages between health and climate change

06 Apr 2018

With the direct and indirect impacts on health becoming equally challenging, what are some of the solutions we have

Comprehensive efforts are needed to achieve full impact of BS-VI fuel

02 Apr 2018

Despite being a welcome step, the introduction of Bharat Stage VI (BS-VI) grade fuel in Delhi, earlier than the April 2020 deadline, will have only marginal impact on vehicular emission and air quality in the city.

Lighting and providing cooking solutions to a billion lives

08 Mar 2018

The National UJALA Dashboard of the Government of India recently reached a milestone of disseminating over 270 million LED bulbs, thereby saving 35,008 mn kWh of electrical energy and affecting CO2 reductions of 28,356,232 tons per year (Source: National DELP Dashboard as of October 16, 2017).

Fungi central, the mycorrhiza haven

08 Mar 2018

The facility in Gurugram has a production capacity of over 600 billion propagules per annum, which can be expanded to 1,000 billion propagules per annum in two years.

In 2016-17, TERI set up the world's biggest facility for mycorrhiza production in Gual Pahadi in Gurugram, Haryana.

Touring Goa's precious wetlands

07 Mar 2018

The knowledge hub will re-acquaint visitors with coastal ecosystems and the environment

It takes a village – Surat’s united effort to embrace solar power

07 Mar 2018 | Mr Alekhya Datta

Leaders, students and residents came together for a project by TERI and Surat Municipal Corporation to popularise rooftop solar power in Surat Smart City