
Lower healthcare costs, more jobs among cobenefits of higher renewables' share in India

01 Apr 2019 | Ms Arunima Hakhu

Research under the COBENEFITS project suggests that shifting to more renewable energy in power generation would also lead to employment generation, better health, and cleaner air

Special drive for tree plantations in Uttar Pradesh faces several challenges

20 Mar 2019

In order to provide state level support to India's commitment to achieve additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of CO2 by 2030 (two thirds potential of this target is with agroforestry), the state of Uttar Pradesh (UP) has taken the initiative to plant 22 crore saplings in July 2019.

Drying up antimicrobial resistance with innovative wastewater treatment

07 Mar 2019

Studies show that 90 per cent of pharmaceutical wastewater treatment plants release pharmaceutical residues into soil and water, providing ideal breeding grounds for drug-resistant bacteria

Technology lever for green housing scale-up in India

22 Feb 2019

Eco-Cities India is a multi-year technical advisory programme, established under the European Union (EU) -India Cooperation on Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency. A climate-change focussed initiative, the programme is structured around five cities—Bengaluru, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, and the Mumbai and Pune metropolitan regions.

Reevaluating the lens to measure battery energy storage cost

20 Feb 2019 | Mr Ashish Kumar Sharma

One must look beyond just upfront cost and also consider life cycle economic assessment when evaluating the cost of battery energy storage systems

Green, Reliable and Viable: Perspectives on India's shift towards low-carbon energy

13 Feb 2019 | Dr Ajay Mathur| | Lord Adair Turner| | Ms Noemie Leprince Ringuet

The book, released during WSDS 2019, has contributions by key stakeholders and sector experts on India's transition to low-carbon energy

Blockchain and distributed clean energy: How do the twain meet?

30 Jan 2019 | Dr Shashank Vyas

Innovative application of blockchain can empower the smart distribution grid of tomorrow

Auditing Mechanical Road Sweeping machines in North MCD

29 Jan 2019 | Ms Prachi Anand

Independent assessment of mechanized street sweeping in North Delhi Municipal Corporation

It's time for utilities to manage power demand creatively

18 Jan 2019

Demand Side Management, or DSM, can help power utilities manage rising electricity demand without compromising consumer interest