
A green agenda: Realising gains from resource efficiency for India

29 Apr 2019

Rising costs of accessing resources, shrinking geological availability, and risk of material exhaustion can be addressed with an integrated resource efficiency policy

Holistic approach needed for India's resource efficiency policy

26 Apr 2019

Better resource efficiency and material recovery can reduce India's import dependence and waste generation

A green agenda: Accelerating India's transition to clean energy

24 Apr 2019

The transition to a largely renewable power system will require clear, long-term and stable policy

A green agenda: Destressing India's water situation

24 Apr 2019

Declining water levels and over-exploited groundwater reserves point towards a grave future

Data collection is key to implementing conservation measures in energy intensive sectors

18 Apr 2019 | Mr Pardeep Chauhan| | Ms Lalitya Reddy

Buildings are energy guzzlers

India is facing formidable challenges in meeting its energy needs. Domestic and commercial building sectors account for approximately one-third of total electricity consumption and these sectors are likely to consume around 37% of electricity in 2020-21. The commercial buildings sector which comprises office buildings, hotels, hospitals, educational institutes, retails malls, etc., consumes 9% of total electricity consumption in India.

A green agenda: Clearing India's air

18 Apr 2019

TERI's analyses suggests that industrial sector and secondary particulates are key sources of air pollution that should be focussed on

Addressing socio-cultural barriers is key to ensuring reuse of treated waste water

18 Apr 2019

Important to address socio, psychological and cultural barriers to ensure reuse of treated waste water

सामाजिक प्रभाव आकलन : क्या हम इसकी अनदेखी कर सकते हैं?

11 Apr 2019 | Dr Preeti Jain Das

भूमि अधिग्रहण को सुचारू बनाने के लिए एसआईए के तहत परामर्शदायी समझौता वार्ता महत्वपूर्ण प्रक्रिया है

Data should have a purpose; inform policy: Secretary, MoEF&CC, at TEDDY launch

04 Apr 2019

Mr CK Mishra, Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, gave the keynote address at the launch of TERI's annual data yearbook

Why battery energy storage is key to renewables' growth

02 Apr 2019

Apart from helping smoothen grid integration of renewables, battery storage can also help discoms with demand side management