Enhancing Energy Efficiency in the Residential Sector:
Use of information and market based instruments
Work Package 3
The main objectives of the project was to:
- Understand the current usage of energy efficient appliances by residential consumers, create awareness about use of energy efficient appliances and help consumers understand its benefits.
- Understand the impact of continuous usage tracking and social comparison on energy usage, understand the impact of information and market based instrument on adoption of energy efficient appliances.
- Measure the potentiality of energy saving and realisation and provide platform for consumers to search and buy efficient products from certified vendors.Shape
Main Activities
Understand current usage of energy efficient appliances by residential consumers
- Created awareness about use of energy efficient appliances and helped consumers understand its benefits
- Understand the impact of continuous usage tracking and social comparison on energy usage
- Understand the impact of information and market based instrument on adoption of energy efficient appliances
- Measured the potential of energy saving and realisation
- Provided platform for consumers to search and buy efficient products from certified vendors
Regular RWA interaction
- Organised awareness camp in Societies
- Carried out regular interaction with RWAs in collaboration with BYPL
Survey data analysis
- Measured the relationship of consumption pattern and household/appliance characteristics
- The survey was based on Number of AC frequently used, Star rating of AC, Number of adult household members, Duration of AC usage
Willingness of households to replace existing appliance with energy efficient one
- Developed “SustHome” app
- Estimated energy saving potential from AC replacement
- Conducted post intervention survey