The Governance of Climate Services:
Improving Knowledge Networks for Resilient and
GovClim is a multi-disciplinary research project that analyses conditions for effective governance of climate services in developing countries. Empirically the project is situated in the Monsoon belt of India (Maharashtra). The focus of the study is on coordination and knowledge-transfer issues in climate services and related climate knowledge networks of concern to the agriculture and water resources sectors and rural livelihoods.
The project will study Indian climate service systems, both public and private systems, and compare diverse systems and outcomes for different types of farmers and user groups (provider-user Interface). In this way, focus is on important aspect of how India operationalizes its climate adaptation policy. India's public climate service system is fairly well established and has been in operation for many years. Maharashtra is a pioneer in testing innovative solutions (including 'open access' systems). Interesting research and policy lessons can be drawn for other developing and developed countries from this system. The analysis will help overcome some of the barriers identified in earlier climate research related to various disconnects in knowledge, action and policy amongst public, private and civil society actors involved in provision and use of climate services.
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Dialogue on Climate Services in Maharashtra: Strengthening Knowledge Networks for Climate Resilience
A workshop was organized in Pune, Maharashtra on 10th June 2015 to understand the evolving governance structure of climate services in Maharashtra and to learn how service providers translate climate knowledge to farmers.
The workshop was attended by over 50 relevant stakeholders comprising a good mix of representatives from government (IMD, IITM, KVKs, NABARD, ICAR) and private sector service providers (RML, CABI, TCS, IFFCO IKSL), research organizations (MPKV, IWMI, and NGOs (WOTR) and farmers.
Project Initiation Field Visit (June 2015)
GovClimServices researchers visited the study area in June 2015. They interacted with farmers and Climate Service providers to understand how climate services in Maharashtra are evolving.
Project Partners
The project is a joint collaboration between The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR), the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) and the University of Oslo (UiO). The project is funded by the Research Council of Norway (RCN). This project is built on the joint research that NIBR, NIVA, and TERI have previously conducted in Maharashtra state on climate change adaptation (www.teriin.org/projects/eva).