The Governance of Climate Services:
Improving Knowledge Networks for Resilient and
Project Partners
The Energy and Resource Institute (TERI)

TERI undertakes research on integrated impacts and vulnerability assessments and policy linkages at the national and sub-national level in India. It encompasses more than 800 researchers across all disciplines, and is one of the first developing country institutions to launch research activities in the area of climate change, as early as 1988. The Centre for Global Environment Research (CGER) at TERI aims to undertake research and outline effective policy initiatives that integrate developing country concerns in addressing global environmental challenges. The six thrust areas of CGER are Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation, Policy analysis, Climate Modelling, Climate Change Mitigation and CDM (clean development mechanism) project development, GHG (greenhouse gas) inventories, and Capacity building and outreach. TERI has also assisted the Government of India with inputs to the first National Action Plan on Climate Change for India (NAPCC). Of the eight core missions, TERI contributed to the National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture. Following the NAPCC, several states in India has developed their State Agendas and Action Plans on Climate Change. TERI has conducted large-scale climate impacts, vulnerability and adaptation research at the state level; specifically for the states of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal and in the North Eastern states of India (as part of the Second National Communication of India to the UNFCCC). TERI also has a Memorandum of Understanding with several State Governments including the Governments of Maharashtra and Uttarakhand. Over time, TERI has built a strong network with various international and national research institutes, local NGOs and community-based organizations. In some cases, it has jointly carried out studies with NGOs enabling place-based research. Climate Modelling tools, GIS (Geographical Information System) and Remote Sensing and Impact Assessment Models are used for sectoral vulnerability assessments and mapping of ‘vulnerability hotspots’.
Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR)

NIBR is an independent social science research centre with particular competence in social and institutional dimensions of environment and climate change adaptation research. NIBR employs more than 60 researchers within all the social sciences. NIBR has an extensive portfolio of international projects on governance, poverty and vulnerability, climate adaptation & environmental assessments, and provides policy advice to NORAD/MFA on adaptation issues in developing countries. NIBR is engaged in several EU projects on climate change adaptation (CCA) in Europe, China and Africa. CCA is among the core strategic program areas for the institution.
Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA)

NIVA is an internationally-oriented competence centre for water-related research, innovation and development activities on environment and resources. NIVA provides advisory and R&D services on water-related issues at the national and international levels to authorities, the private sector and the public. NIVA is a private research foundation, and is the largest interdisciplinary applied water research centre in Norway. NIVA has a total staff of 300 and an annual turnover of over EUR 35 million. NIVA is the Norwegian national centre of competence on effects of climate change on the aquatic environment, including both limnic and marine systems.
University of Oslo (UiO)

UiO was founded in 1811 as the first in Norway. Today it is the Norway’s largest public institution of research and higher learning with 27000 students and 6000 employees. The Department of Geosciences has Norway’s broadest range in geoscience research and teaching. This breadth is a result of the amalgamation in 2003 of three departments at UiO, Physical Geography, Geophysics and Geology. Research is carried out on all the planet’s processes, from the interior of the Earth to the outermost atmosphere. This work is characterised by fieldwork in many parts of the world with a wide spectrum of analyses in their own laboratories and computer based modelling and analytical tools.
The Department is organised as five sections, but most research is done in more or less formal research groups which span these subdivisions. Four of these groups in particular demonstrate this interdisciplinary nature and show the way in which the Department is moving forward: CO2 storage; Cryosphere; Petroleum systems and basin development; Water as regulator in biogeochemical cycles. The Department co-operates extensively in research with both public and private institutions, and is a contributor to various research centres.