Young Scientist Research Award
The AOC-5 Committee establishes the Young Scientist Research Award to promote young talents and recognize their innovative research contributions in basic and applied research to green and sustainable chemistry.
The criteria for the Young Scientist Research Award and the award process are as follows :
- The applicant must be no older than 40 years by November 1, 2014.
- The applicant must be the presenting and registered author of the abstract.
- The abstract must be submitted before the deadline of submission through the abstract submission system.
- The abstract submitted for the Young Scientist Research Award will not be considered for any other AOC-awards.
- The applicant must also submit a CV (4 page maximum), a research statement (1 page) with highlights of novelty, quality, and impact on green and sustainable chemistry, as well
as describing why the nominee is worthy of consideration for the stated award.
The award panel may choose to shortlist presentations for this award based on the scientific merit of the abstracts/CV/research statement and to have the shortlisted presentations in a special oral presentation at the AOC-5 Conference.
The awards will be given for innovation and excellence reflected in the scientific quality, organization, and quality of the oral presentation as well as academic accomplishments.
The results will be announced at the end of the Conference and the awards panel decision is final. The winners must be present at the closing ceremony of the Conference to receive the award.
Best Oral & Poster Presentation Awards
- The AOC-5 Committee establishes the Best Oral Presentation Award to recognize and promote outstanding contributions to this Conference.
- The criteria for the Best Oral & Poster Presentation Award and the award process are as follows:
- The applicant must be the presenting and registered author of the abstract.
- The abstract must be submitted before the deadline of submission through the abstract submission system. The abstract must be the only one submitted by the applicant for that award. The abstract submitted for the Best Oral Presentation Award will not be considered for any other AOC-5 awards.
- The awards will be evaluated based on excellence reflected in the scientific novelty, organization, and oral and visual quality of the oral presentation.
- The results will be available at the end of the Conference and the awards panel decision is final. The winners or his/her co-authors at least one person must be present at the closing ceremony of the Conference to receive an award certificate.