Page 8 - Discussion Paper on Faecal Sludge Management in Urban India
P. 8
Discussion Paper

Figure 6: Complete FSM Cycle

Source: Rapid Assessment of Septage Management in Asia, USAID 2010

in a three-pond treatment system. Hyacinths are the fee charged by the private players is around
cultivated in the ponds and bacteria attached `2000 per trip. Private players also use modern
to its roots decompose the organic matter. The equipment for emptying faecal sludge though
treated effluent is stored in a reservoir that is used they mostly do not have any training for using the
to irrigate banana plantains. Even the compost equipment. However, the private sector does not
and humus is used on banana fields, if it is not involve itself in treatment of faecal sludge before
marketed. The project is initiated by WASTE, CPAC, disposal. Majority of disposal is done in open
and ALPHALOG along with the municipality.27 spaces since there is a lack of proper dumping
place, except for one town, Gudalur, where the
Private sector participation in management of sludge emptied from public toilets is disposed
FSM is also increasing and there are interesting in the municipal waste yard.28 An interesting
business models and entrepreneurship cases enterprise model of an innovative FSM practice
that have emerged over the years. For example, is represented by Sanergy in Africa (Box 2) and
in the state of Tamil Nadu, private sector has a private sector septage management in Malaysia
crucial role to play in managing faecal sludge, in (Box 3). Devanahalli (Box 4) in Karnataka has
many of the towns. They are usually engaged in been an exemplary practice of FSM in India.
the emptying from septic tanks and disposal of Malaysia is a global trendsetter in terms of an
faecal sludge. Cost of emptying faecal sludge is integrated approach to FSM. There are lessons to
constant and fixed per trip. The cost depends on be learnt from its experiences.
the distance covered, the quality of faecal sludge,
as well as the septic tank size. On an average,

27 Water Research Institute (CSIR) & EAWAG/SANDEC. Workshop on 28 WaterAid, 2014. Report: Faecal Sludge Management.
Faecal Sludge Treatment, Singapore, December 3–5, 1997.

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